§ 27-705   Nonconforming Buildings or Structures.
Where a lawful building or structure exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Chapter, passed February 1, 1971, that could not be built under the terms of this Part by reason of restriction on area, lot coverage, height, yards or other characteristics of the structure or building or its location on the lot, such building or structure may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
   A.   Expansion of residential or nonresidential buildings or structures. A nonconforming residential or nonresidential building or structure, which contains a permitted use, may be enlarged or altered, provided that such enlargement or alteration conforms to the following requirements:
      (1)   Shall be permitted to expand once by not more than 25% of the existing floor area. Such expansion shall not extend beyond the existing nonconforming front, side or rear yard building lines. No enlargement or alteration shall occur in any required front yard in a manner that increases its nonconformity; and
      (2)   The area expanded shall meet the parking requirements of Part 5.
   B.   Moving. No nonconforming residential or nonresidential structure shall be moved in whole or in part for any distance to another location on the same or on another lot unless the entire structure shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located after being moved.
   C.   Reconstruction. In the event that a nonconforming residential or nonresidential structure is damaged or destroyed by any means to any extent; it may be reconstructed, provided that such reconstruction does not occupy a greater area than the structure that was damaged or destroyed, and provided that the reconstruction starts within 18 months.
(Ord. 588, 12/13/2010)