§ 27-605.   District Regulations in the C-1, C-2, C-3 and GI Districts.
Signs in the C-1, C-2, C-3 and GI Zoning Districts shall meet the following requirements:
      A.   Permitted signs
         (1)   Identification signs:
Type of Sign
Number Permitted
Maximum Area
(square feet)
Type of Sign
Number Permitted
Maximum Area
(square feet)
Wall, window, or projecting signs for 1 establishment on 1 lot
Linear frontage of store front multiplied by 1.5
Wall, window, or projecting signs for 2 or more establishments
1 per establishment
Linear frontage of store front multiplied by 1.5
1 per facade for a corner building
Front facade: Linear frontage of store front multiplied by 1.5
Side facade: 50% of the area permitted for the front facade.
Flag signs
1 for every 20 feet of street frontage
15 square feet
Freestanding signs for 1 establishment on the lot
1 per 300 feet of street front age
.5 square feet for each foot of street frontage
1 per street for corner lots and through lots
Freestanding signs for 2 or more establishments
1 joint identification sign per 300 feet of street frontage
32 square feet for the name of the building or office park, and 18 square feet for the name of each establishment
1 joint identification sign per street for corner lots and through lots
         (2)   Directional   1 per entrance   maximum 12 sq ft per sign
                  1 per exit
         (3)   Information   3 per establishment   maximum 12 sq ft per sign
         (4)   Address signs
         (5)   Awning signs
         (6)   Billboard signs
         (7)   Construction signs
         (8)   Development signs
         (9)   Integral roof signs
         (10)   Off-premises information signs
         (11)   Political signs
         (12)   Product signs
         (13)   Real estate signs
         (14)   Temporary signs
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995; as amended by Ord. 551, 4/12/2004)