1. Individual parking spaces shall have a minimum area of 180 square feet, excluding drives and accessways, and a minimum width of 9 feet.
2. Aisles shall be at least 20 feet wide.
3. Parking areas shall be designed so that each vehicle may proceed to and from any parking space without requiring the moving of any other vehicle.
4. All parking spaces shall provide at least 6 feet of unobstructed clear space between any vehicle and any building on the same lot. Additionally, all parking spaces shall provide 10 feet of unobstructed clear space between any vehicle and any building not on the same lot.
5. Parking areas shall be graded and paved with a suitable material so as to provide for the adequate drainage of surface water and the prevention of dust, erosion or flow of water across streets or adjoining property.
6. A parking area shall be a group of two or more parking spaces contiguous to each other and/or a common driveway separated by a distance of at least 8 feet.
(Ord. 462, 8/14/1995, §502)