§ 23-701.   Notification.
This Borough must be notified in writing within 30 days by the well contractor and/or property owner when a well meets the criteria of an abandoned well under § 23-201 of this Chapter. All wells considered to be abandoned shall be filled and sealed according to DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) Well Abandonment Guidelines. Written notification and proper documentation of decommissioning using the well abandonment form (DEP form) shall be submitted to the Borough within 30 days from the point that the subject well has met the criteria of, or otherwise been determined to be an abandoned well according to § 23-201. One of the methods of decommissioning described in the DEP well abandonment guidelines must be used in accordance with the geological formations penetrated, and in such a manner as to prevent the borehole being sealed from acting as a channel for pollution, or the escape of subterranean gases. A report, as required above, of the method of sealing shall be filed with the Borough and other required entities.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)