1. The application for a permit for the installation of private or public water supply, geothermal well, monitoring well or test well must be made by a contractor, appropriately licensed as a well driller, in the name of the real property owner or equitable owner with written documentation to the Borough. No well permit (form 23-1) can be issued for a property proposing new construction unless there is a valid sewage permit or sewage exemption in effect at the time of application.
2. The application shall contain such information as the Borough deems necessary including the information found in either the well permit form (Form 23-1) or information required by the Borough to insure that the proposed construction or installation complies with this section. Applications for geothermal wells shall be made on the well permit (Form 23-1).
3. Well permits shall be issued or denied within 30 days.
4. A permit to use the well for drinking water shall be denied and/or approval to use the water supply shall be withheld in those areas of the Borough where the Borough has been notified by state or federal agencies or other sources that the area is unsuitable for the installation of on-site water wells due to known groundwater contamination unless the following conditions are met:
A. The water well shall be tested prior to use and on a yearly basis for all known and suspected contaminants in the area.
B. When the water quality analysis shows that the contaminant level exceeds the maximum contaminate levels allowed by the Safe Drinking Water Act, the water must be treated by the appropriate treatment unit before approval to use can be granted.
5. Before issuing a permit, the site of the proposed well shall be inspected by the Borough Manager or designee to verify information submitted on the permit application and plot plan. When the Borough is satisfied that the application is complete and the proposed design meets the requirements found in this section, a permit will be issued.
(Ord. 613, 5/11/2015)