§ 22-528.   Water Supply.
   1.   General. The water supply shall be consistent with current plans and requirements, including but not limited to the Borough Comprehensive Plan, well ordinance and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) public water supply regulations.
   2.   Design Guidelines.
      A.   The following types of water supply systems are listed in order of desirability:
         (1)   Existing public community water supply system.
         (2)   New public community water supply system.
         (3)   Individual well when a public water supply system is documented as unable to supply the development.
      B.   A statement shall be submitted from the public community water system that the system has the capacity, including fire load, to serve the project at this time and agree to serve the project.
      C.   Fire hydrants shall be provided.
         (1)   The location and kind of fire hydrant shall meet the specifications of the local Marysville Volunteer Fire Company.
         (2)   Fire hydrant location(s) shall be submitted prior to final plan approval and be approved by the Marysville Volunteer Fire Company.
      D.   When a private well is proposed, it shall meet the requirement of Chapter 23 (well ordinance).
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)