§ 22-525   Easements.
   1.   General. All easements including by way of example and not limitation; sanitary sewer facilities, storm water drainage facilities, public or private utilities, access and/or pedestrian access shall meet the standards found in this Section.
   2.   Design Guidelines.
      A.   To the fullest extent possible, easements shall be centered on property lines.
      B.   Nothing shall be placed, planted, set, or put within the area of an easement that would adversely affect the function of the easement.
      C.   Plans shall include all proposed and existing easements of record and indicate their location and width. All structures located within the easement shall be indicated. Note the recording information on the plan of record.
      D.   To the fullest extent practical, utilities and pedestrian paths should be centered within an easement. However, due to unexpected on-lot conditions, utility and pedestrian locations may be flexible within the easement.
      E.   All utility companies are encouraged to use common easements. Utility easements shall be based on the width required by the utility authorities but shall have a minimum width of 10 feet. Utility easements shall be located within the street right-of-way or within the building setback line.
      F.   Where pedestrian access is provided outside of a street right-of-way, pedestrian easements shall have a minimum width of 10 feet.
      G.   Easements shall be reserved where storm water or surface water management facilities exist or are proposed. Alterations of existing storm water management facilities on adjacent and/or downstream properties shall obtain a temporary construction easement or a permanent easement and maintenance responsibilities shall be established.
      H.   When the proposed storm water management system will utilize or be integrated into an existing storm water collection or conveyance system, the existing facilities shall be improved to the standards of this Chapter. The applicant shall determine the impacts of any proposed improvements of the existing system to downstream properties. If the improvements will cause adverse impacts on downstream properties, the applicant shall mitigate such impacts.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)