§ 22-522.   Preservation of Natural, Historic, and Cultural Features.
   1.   General. Mature trees, topography, natural drainage ways, scenic vistas, and historic sites are a few of the elements that contribute to the distinct character of the Borough. To protect these features and resources that enhance the local character, infill and redevelopment projects shall work with the context and integrity of this environment by preserving natural, historical, and cultural features to the maximum extent possible.
   2.   Design Guidelines. Development projects should integrate existing natural features, required open space, existing historic structures, and cultural resources located on and around the site into the overall design and layout of the development.
      A.   A site analysis shall be submitted using all applicable reports, plans, and maps to determine whether significant natural or other features exist on a site that should be protected, with priority being given to the following areas (which are not listed in order of priority or significance):
         (1)   Floodplains, surface drainage swales, streams and other bodies of water;
         (2)   Wetlands;
         (3)   Existing significant trees;
         (4)   Historical, cultural, or archeological sites or areas recognized by the Borough, state, or federal governments as significant;
         (5)   Prominent topography;
         (6)   Steep slopes; and
         (7)   Visual impact.
      B.   The proposed building and impervious footprint(s) shall be clearly identified on each plan to identify potential impacts to existing trees, other natural features, historic structures, and cultural resources.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)