§ 22-516.   Single Access/Cul-De-Sac Streets.
   1.   To the greatest extent possible, through streets shall be provided. The feasibility of a through street will be based on the physical features of the tract proposed for development and/or adjoining lots, the potential for extension of the street to adjoining lands based on existing development patterns, restrictions imposed by other government regulations and other recorded documentation, and the ability of the design to meet all requirements of this Chapter. When single access/cul-de-sac streets are proposed, the application shall be accompanied by a written analysis of the merits of the design and the reasons that a through street would not be desirable.
   2.   The length of a single access/cul-de-sac street shall be measured from the centerline intersection with the through street to the center point of the turnaround.
   3.   All single access/cul-de-sac streets shall have a minimum length of 250 feet and a maximum length of 500 ft. Temporary single access/cul-de-sac street shall not have a minimum length.
   4.   Permanent single access/cul-de-sac streets shall serve a maximum of 250 ADT for residential development and a maximum of 500 ADT for non-residential development. Permanent single access/cul-de-sacs may be extended beyond above referenced ADT for the following justification provided:
      A.   The cul-de-sac is a boulevard construction or; or
      B.   The adjacent land is 100% built-up.
   5.   Any temporary cul-de-sac street designed for access to an adjoining property or for authorized phased development and which is greater than one lot deep shall be provided with a temporary all-weather turnaround. The use of such turnaround shall be guaranteed to the public until such time as the street is extended. Sidewalks along temporary cul-de-sacs must be continued at the same time that the street is continued.
   6.   Cul-de-sacs shall have a circular “T” shaped or “hammerhead” shaped turnarounds. Turnarounds shall be constructed completely within the right-of-way.
   7.   Restoration to the temporary cul-de-sac paved areas and sidewalk system within the right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the developer.
   8.   Permanent cul-de-sacs with a circular turnaround shall be paved, have a minimum radius of 42 feet without a center island and 45 feet with a center island.
   9.   Cul-de-sacs with center islands must be constructed to accommodate emergency vehicles. For example, but not limited to, depressed curbing.
   10.   A 15-foot by the length of the adjacent lot snow easement is required at the end of cul-de-sacs for snow removal activities.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)