A. Final plans shall be prepared by land surveyor, an engineer or landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Land surveyor shall prepare the bearings and distances of the tract and lots.
B. Twelve copies of the plan will be submitted on a minimum sheet size of 18 inches by 24 inches and no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches.
C. Final plan submissions shall include a digital file of the drawings in a format useable by the Borough.
D. The plan shall be labeled as “final plan” and contain the following information.
(1) Cover sheet information.
(a) Information as required in Preliminary Plan § 22-405.
(b) Date of preliminary plan approval.
(c) List of waivers and modification of requirements, conditional uses and variances with approval dates.
(d) The approval date of state highway occupancy permit if applicable.
(e) Approval date of erosion and sedimentation control plan by Perry County Conservation District.
(2) Other Requirements.
(a) Stormwater management plan, approved by the Borough Engineer.
(b) Details of stormwater management facilities along with maintenance and inspection requirements.
(c) Proposed and existing contours at 2-foot intervals.
(d) Drainage and grading plan showing existing and proposed final contours, including swales and any stormwater facilities.
(e) Plans and profiles of proposed streets, sanitary and stormwater sewers with grade and pipe size indicated and a plan of proposed water distribution system showing pipe size and location of valves and fire hydrant and specification for construction and materials.
(f) PA Department of Environmental Protection Sewage Facilities Planning Module approval or exemption letter from PADEP in compliance with the requirements of Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act.
(g) Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or reserved for parks, playgrounds, parking areas, common open space or other public, semi-public or community purpose.
(h) Notification of plans to the school district if 5 or more residential units are involved.
(i) Review of plans by Marysville Fire Department when a new street is proposed or a parking lot with 10 or more parking spaces is proposed.
(j) Copy of all the permits/approvals from utilities and government agencies.
(k) Financial security estimate for improvements.
(l) Provisions for posting any required maintenance guarantees.
(m) Provision for posting any public improvement guarantees.
(n) Developer’s agreement which is acceptable to the Borough.
(o) Wetland study, as required.
(p) A copy of final deed restrictions or protective covenants.
(q) A copy of the condominium/homeowner’s association bylaws, if such is proposed.
(r) If water supply is to be provided by means other than individual private wells owned and maintained by individual lot owners within the subdivision or development, the applicant shall present evidence that the subdivision or development is to be supplied by public water supply. A copy of the commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate.
(s) When a facility is proposed for dedication to the Borough as built drawings shall be provided to the Borough within 90 days of construction completion.
(t) Erosion and sedimentation control plan reviewed by the Perry County Conservation District, as applicable.
(u) Description of the centerline and right-of-way for all new and existing streets, to include distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent, arc, and cord. The description shall not have an error of closure and greater than 1 foot in 10,000 feet.
(v) Description of all lot lines, with accurate bearings and distances, and lot areas for all parcels. Curve segments shall be comprised of arc, cord, bearing and distance. Along existing street right-of-way, the description shall be prepared to the right-of-way lines. The description shall not have an error of closure greater than 1 foot in 10,000 feet.
(w) A standard note regarding public improvements shall be added as follows:
“All public improvements shown shall conform to PennDOT Publications 408 and Construction Standards Publication 72, current edition and with municipal construction requirements and ordinances.”
(x) Such other data which may be required by the Planning Commission, municipal Borough Council and municipal engineer in the administration and enforcement of this Chapter.
(y) Street signage and traffic regulatory signage and details.
(z) Lighting plan for outdoor and street lighting, in accordance with § 22-524.
(aa) Landscape, buffering and screening plan, in accordance with § 22-523.
(bb) Approved street names by U.S. Postal Service.
(cc) Traffic studies required by § 22-701 and state laws to warrant traffic control devices such as stop signs, traffic signals, speed limits, turning lanes, etc.
(dd) Environmental overlays in accordance with zoning ordinance, Part 13.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)