§ 22-402.   Sketch Plan (Optional).
A sketch plan review is recommended for the applicant to receive advice and comments from the Planning Commission.
   A.   Prior to the filing of a subdivision or land development plan, the applicant is encouraged to submit a sketch plan to the Planning Commission for advice and assistance on the requirements necessary to achieve conformity with the standards of this and other applicable municipal ordinances. The submission of a sketch plan does not constitute an official subdivision and land development application.
   B.   The sketch plan should show in simple freehand pencil sketch form, the proposed project, providing sufficient information to clearly indicate the character and extent of the proposed subdivision or land development and its relation to existing conditions and facilities within the area in which it is to be located.
   C.   The plan shall be labeled “SKETCH PLAN” and shall include sufficient data such as listed below:
      (1)   Name address of the legal owner, the equitable owner, and/or applicant and the person responsible for preparing the sketch plan;
      (2)   Title, scale, north arrow and date of preparation;
      (3)   Location map, tract boundary and ground contours;
      (4)   Existing and proposed streets and layout of lots and open space easements;
      (5)   Topographic features such as water courses, rock outcropping, steep slopes, wetlands, vegetation, and floodplain areas;
      (6)   Proposed method of water supply, sewage disposal and stormwater management; and
      (7)   The zoning district for the proposed plan area.
   D.   Twelve copies of the sketch plan shall be submitted 5 working days prior to the Planning Commission regularly scheduled meeting date.
   E.   Individuals are permitted to discuss proposals with the municipal staff, Planning Commission or other Borough representative without the benefit of the plan, however, the benefit will be limited.
(Ord. 614, 5/11/2015)