§ 20-104.   Precollection Practices.
   1.    Preparation of Refuse.
      A.   All garbage shall be drained of liquid and wrapped in paper before being placed in the container.
      B.   Tree trimmings, hedge clippings and similar rubbish shall be cut in lengths not exceeding 6 feet and shall be securely tied in bundles before being deposited for collection. Christmas trees shall be cut in lengths not exceeding 6 feet before being deposited for collection. Bundles of tree trimmings, etc., shall not exceed 40 pounds in weight and shall be capable of being handled by one person.
      C.   Newspapers, magazines and other printed matter, not placed in containers, shall be securely tied in bundles not exceeding 40 pounds in weight.
   2.   Containers.
      A.   All garbage and all other refuse, when possible, shall be placed in containers.
      B.   Containers shall be of metal or plastic and shall not exceed 32 gallons in capacity and shall be of such size as can be handled easily by one man. The maximum weight of a filled container shall not exceed 40 pounds. Plastic trash bags may be used to transport the refuse to the curb on the day of collection, but shall not be allowed to remain outside of the metal or plastic cans for more than 12 hours prior to the day of collection if they contain garbage.
      C.   Containers containing garbage shall be covered with a lid which fits securely and prevents access to flies.
      D.   All containers shall be kept in a sanitary condition and shall be kept in good condition. Any container that does not conform with this Chapter or that is likely to injure the collector or his employees, or hampers the prompt collection of refuse, shall be replaced upon notice. Failure to replace said defective container may result in the loss of refuse collection until such time as the container is replaced.
   3.   Accumulation of Refuse.
      A.   No person shall place any refuse upon any street, alley, walk or other public place, or upon any private property, except in proper receptacles for collection, or where the refuse is of such size and shape as not to permit its being placed in containers.
      B.   No person shall deposit refuse in any stream or body of water. In no event shall refuse be placed on the property of another without the consent of the owner.
      C.   No person, except the occupants of the property on which the container is placed and an authorized collector, shall remove the lids of the container and/or remove the contents thereof.
      D.   Refuse of a highly inflammable or explosive nature, or highly infectious or contagious refuse shall not be stored for ordinary collection but shall be disposed of in accordance with the directions of the Borough Manager.
   4.   Location of Containers. Containers should be placed, wherever possible, at a point nearest the street or alley from which collection from a vehicle can be made. Failure to place containers at such a location will result in an additional charge for collection.
(Ord. 292, 5/15/1975, §4)