1. The definitions as set forth in this Part are hereby incorporated in these rules and regulations by reference thereto and as though said definitions were herein set forth at length. In addition, the following terms as used in these rules and regulations shall have the following meanings unless the context requires a different meaning:
HOUSE CONNECTION OR SERVICE LINE - part of the main house drain or sewer extending from a point 5 feet outside of the outer wall of a building, vault or area to its connection with the service lateral.
HOUSE DRAIN- part of the main horizontal drain and its branches inside the walls of the building, vault or area and for five feet outside thereof and extending to and connecting with the service line.
SERVICE LATERAL - part of the sewer line from the sewer system to the curb line or to the property line if there is no curb line.
SOIL PIPE - any pipe receiving the discharge of one or more water closets, with or without other fixtures.
REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BOROUGH - the Secretary of the Borough Council, the Borough Engineer, Plumbing Inspector, Sewer Manager, Health Officer or such other person as shall be appointed by the Borough as its representative for any of the purposes herein.
TERMINOLOGY - technical terminology contained in these rules and regulations, or in the ordinances above referred to, shall be interpreted by and through and shall have the meanings set forth in the "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewerage, and Industrial Wastes" and "Glossary, Water and Sewerage Control Engineering" both prepared by the American, Public Health Association.
2. Application to Install Service Line. Any person owning an occupied building upon property accessible to the sewer system desiring to install a service line from the service lateral to such building shall first make written application on the form furnished by the Borough. The application must be signed by such person or his duly authorized agent, and must be completely filled out in all its parts. No person owning any premises connected with the sewer system, or tenant of such premises, shall permit another person or premises to use or connect with his service lateral or house connection, except upon written permit from the Borough. The connection charge must be paid in advance before a permit is issued.
3. Permit for Connection; Vacating Premises. Before making any connection from the service line to the service lateral or sewer main, a permit shall be obtained from the Borough. A permit authorizing such connection may be granted after proper application therefore has been made to the Borough and upon payment of any connection charge. No sewer connection or disconnection shall be made except under the supervision, control and approval of the Borough's authorized representative. Upon completion of each connection the permit shall be returned to the Borough and endorsed showing its approval of the connection and service line, and the permit shall be then returned to the person to whom such permit was issued. The party making the application, if a tenant, and also the owner of the property shall be responsible for all sewage bills and the proper observance of the rules and regulations. When the premises are vacated, the users shall give notice to the representative of the Borough. A new application for service shall be made on any change of users on a property, and the Borough may discontinue service until such new application has been made and approved by the Borough or its representative.
4. Extensions by Developer. In cases where an individual, builder, or developer desires to install sewer lines, service laterals and house connections to a house or to every housing unit within a housing development prior to their individual use or sale, he may do so upon meeting all conditions as set forth in this subsection and in other Sections of this Part. Plot plans for a development must be submitted to the Borough for approval prior to any house construction. Sewer plans conforming to all original specifications established by the Authority or Borough shall be designed in compliance with either method "1" of "2" stipulated below.
A. The individual, builder, or developer may request the Borough to provide plans and detailed design of the sewer system for the extensions, including approvals from the necessary State agencies. The engineering fees for the design will be in accordance with the schedule of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers, together with necessary legal and other costs and shall be paid by the individual, builder, or developer. The total of the engineering fee and the other costs must be deposited with the Borough before design commences.
B. The individual, builder or developer may procure design of these extensions directly from any professional engineer qualified and competent in the field of sanitary engineering design. In such case, the plans and detailed design must conform to the standards of design of the presently constructed sewer system. The completed plans shall be submitted to the Borough for approval. Any revisions in design considered necessary in the opinion of the Borough shall be made by the Borough at cost of time and materials, legal expenses and other expenses and paid for by the developer. The Borough shall approve any plan to the sewer system upon the recommendation of the consulting engineer of the Borough and undertake to secure approvals from the necessary State agencies. An amount equal to the estimated cost of the necessary revisions and all other costs shall be deposited with the Borough before such revisions of the plan should be made.
Such approved extensions may then be constructed by and at the expense of the individual builder or developer but only under the inspection of an inspector for the Borough. The cost of such inspection, including salaries and expenses shall be borne by the individual, builder, or developer making the extension. The estimated cost of the inspection of construction shall be deposited with the Borough before construction commences.
Upon the completion of the extension to the sewer system of Marysville Borough, the individual, builder or developer shall deed the extension, free of all encumbrances, to the Borough. The extension to the sewer system shall be accepted by the Borough only after an inspection is made by the Borough or its duly authorized representative. No connections shall be made to the extension until the extension has been inspected and the extension has been accepted by the Borough. When the extension has been accepted by the Borough, all connections shall be made in accordance with these rules and regulations, including all the necessary inspection of house connections, securing of permits and other pertinent requirements.
5. Separate House Connections. Unless written permission is obtained from the Borough, a separate house connection will be required for each individual building or house whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row, but a single house connection will be permitted to serve a school, factory, an apartment house or other permanent multiple-unit structure whose individual apartments or units shall not be subject to separate ownership.
6. Existing House Connections. Existing house connections may be utilized providing they are inspected by the Borough or its representative and found to be reasonably true to grades and alignment, in good condition for the purpose of conveying sanitary sewage and have reasonably tight joints of approved materials. If the existing lines do not conform to this requirement a new line must be laid in accordance with the specifications contained herein.
7. Common Waste System.
A. A single house connection will be permitted to serve a double house in which the house drain is common to both houses or is not readily separable. In such a case, it will be necessary for each owner to make separate application and pay separate connection charges for the installation and pay the prescribed sewer rentals for each property. In addition, it shall be necessary for both property owners to sign an agreement relieving the Borough of any responsibility or obligation caused by or resulting from installation of a single house connection.
B. Said agreement shall be in recordable form and shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Perry County. Said agreement shall run with the land and shall bind all heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns and subsequent owners or possessors. The agreement shall provide for the joint responsibility for care and maintenance of the line. Additionally, said agreement shall provide that any disagreement between the parties concerning future maintenance of the common house drain and house connection shall be sufficient cause for the Borough to require the installation of additional connections to the sewer main to provide individual service lines and service laterals to both houses. Said installation shall be made at the joint expense of the property owners and lines and laterals shall be their sole responsibility.
8. Service Laterals and Service Lines. Service lines shall be subject at all times to the inspection and approval of the Borough or its representative who shall have supervision and control over the same. Any service line not so approved shall be relaid at the expense of the property owner if ordered by the Borough or its representative. The service lateral and service line shall be constructed from the street sewer main to the building by and at the expense of the property owner who has obtained a permit. All service lines or house connections heretofore or hereafter installed shall be maintained by and at the sole expense of the property owner.
9. Pipe and Installation.
A. All service laterals and house connections shall be constructed of one of the following types of pipe:
(1) Vitrified clay sewer pipe at least 6 inches in internal diameter and conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation C-13 or C200 as required.
(2) Asbestos cement building sewer pipe, at least 4 inches in internal diameter.
(3) Medium-weight cast iron soil pipe at least 4 inches in internal diameter conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation A-74.
(4) Plastic pipe at least 4 inches in internal diameter conforming to A.S.T.M. designation D3034, SDR 35 wall thickness.
B. Jointing materials for the various types of pipe shall be as follows:
(1) Vitrified clay pipe.
(a) Hot-poured bituminous compounded.
(b) Compression-type joints conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation C425-58T.
(c) Premoulded bituminous joints with approved solvent.
(2) Asbestos cement pipe shall have joints consisting of two rubber rings and an asbestos cement sleeve.
(3) Cast iron pipe shall have leaded joints properly caulked.
Cement joints will not be permitted.
The pipe shall be installed with a rniniminn grade of 1%, the best possible alignment and shall have adequate cover to protect the line from crushing or frost action. All service laterals and house connections shall be constructed in accordance with the "Specifications for the Construction of the Sanitary Sewerage System of the Marysville Borough Authority" on file in the Borough Office.
10. Cleanouts and Traps.
A. Generally, cleanouts shall be provided in each house connection and at intervals to permit complete rodding with a 100-foot-long auger or tape. Cleanouts shall be constructed by using a "Y" fitting in the run of pipe with a 45 degree bend and riser to the ground surface. The riser pipe must be provided with a standard 4 inch screw-type ferrule.
B. All connections to the sewer system must be provided with a house trap between the main house drain and the service line or house connection. Traps shall be of the running type with approved cleanouts and fresh-air inlet on the upstream side. This provision may be waived by the Borough upon certification by a qualified plumber that the existing system is functional and adequate. It shall be a condition of said waiver that the property owner execute and deliver to the Borough a release acknowledging the request for waiver, the certification of the plumber and relieving the Borough of any liability or responsibility as a result of the waiver.
11. Special Conditions.. Whenever, in the opinion of the Borough or its representative, the trenching conditions require either a specific type of pipe, jointing material or encasement in concrete, such materials as it may direct shall be installed to protect the property owner and/or the Borough for special conditions as follows:
A. Where wet trenching conditions occur, V.C. pipe with hot poured bituminous compound joints or slip seal joints will not be permitted. ABC pipe with compression-type joints, asbestos cement pipe, or cast iron pipe is preferred.
B. Where the trench is over 12 feet deep, extra strength ABC pipe or Class 2000 A.C. pipe or cast iron pipe must be used.
C. Where the trench is less than 4 feet deep in a trafficked roadway, special bedding, consisting of crushed stone or concrete cradle, as directed by the Engineer or representative of the Borough must be used.
D. Service laterals and house connections for all service stations, garages or other establishments storing, using or dispensing gasoline, kerosene, benzine, or similar solvents shall be constructed of cast iron pipe with leaded joints.
E. Where lines are laid in fill, extra heavy cast iron soil pipe with lead joints shall be used.
F. Where foundation conditions are poor due to ground water, or subsurface materials, a base of Pennsylvania Department of Highways No. 2B crushed stone at least 6 inches in depth shall be applied.
G. Where rock is encountered, it shall be excavated to a depth of 4 inches below the bottom of the pipe and the trench refilled to the grade line with clean earth or crushed stone.
12. Connections to Service Laterals. Connections to service laterals, if of the same pipe size, shall be made by properly joining to the bell end of the service lateral provided. If cast iron pipe 4 inches in diameter is used, the connection shall be made with a standard reducing fitting of clay or cast iron. This applies also to the connection of the house drain to the house connection pipe. Projecting the smaller pipe into the larger and sealing will not be permitted. Where a house connection is made with pipe larger in diameter than the 6 inches service lateral provided, the house connection shall be extended to the sewer main and properly connected as specified herein.
13. Connections to Street Sewer Mains. Connections to street sewer mains where no branch fitting has been previously provided shall be made with an approved saddle-type fitting properly installed and encased in a 6 inch envelope of concrete extending completely around the barrel of the sewer main pipe.
14. Street Opening Permits and Restoration of Surface. Wherever the surface of any public street, sidewalk or cartway is disturbed by construction of the service laterals, the surfacing material shall be restored in kind by the Borough street employees, with the property owner responsible for payment of the cost of such restoration and resurfacing, following billing therefore by the Borough. Such restored surface shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Borough. Any and all construction in a public street of the Borough shall be in compliance with the ordinances of the Borough and all necessary permits shall be obtained from the Borough before construction is commenced, including the permit required for opening or disturbing the surface of a street.
15. Supervision and Inspection. The construction of service laterals and house connections shall, at all times, be subject to supervision and inspection by the Borough or its representative and shall conform to the Borough specifications. The service laterals and house connections shall not be covered until permitted by the Engineer or Borough representative and all backfilling of trenches shall be under their supervision and shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping in 6 inch layers to a minimum height of 12 inches above the pipe. The representative of the Borough is authorized to enter upon any property to make necessary inspections.
16. Connections Through Private Property. Connections with sewers where same are run through private property shall in all respects be governed by these rules and regulations.
17. Drainage into Sewer System. No roof drainage, surface water, waste from hydrants or ground water from underground drainage fields shall be admitted or be permitted to drain into the sewer system. The sewer system is intended to convey sanitary sewage only.
18. Disconnection of Service Laterals. The Borough shall have the right to close up or disconnect from the sewer system any service lateral or house connection used for carrying rain water, surface water, ground water or objectionable matter, or whenever any violations of this Part are committed.
19. Detrimental Wastes. There shall not be discharged into the sewer system any exhaust steam or any oils, tar, grease, gas, benzine or other combustible fluids, or any underground garbage, scraps or vegetables, offal, insoluble solids or industrial waste or other dangerous or harmful substances which would adversely affect the functioning of the sewer system or the processes of sewage treatment. Gas stations and garages are required to provide oil interceptors of the types Series GA, GX GNC GRC of Josam Manufacturing Company, Michigan City, Indiana, or equivalent, in the proper location, where the dangerous liquids are to be intercepted. Restaurants or other commercial establishments as directed are required to provide grease interceptors of the type Series J of the Josam Manufacturing Company, or equivalent.
20. Control of Service. The Borough shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure of service when occasioned by an emergency, required repairs, or failure from any cause beyond control. The Borough reserves the right to restrict the use of sewer service whenever the public welfare may require it. In consideration of the right to connect to the sewer system, the Borough shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any building; and it is hereby expressly agreed by all persons making connection with the sewer system that no claims shall be made against the Borough on account of the breaking or stoppage of, or any damage or expense to, any service line or house connection where the cause thereof is found to be in such service line or house connection.
(Ord. 398, 6/11/1987, §19; as amended by Ord. 606, 8/12/2013)