Where water under pressure is not available and a privy is to be constructed, it shall comply with the following regulations:
A. It shall be located as to minimize danger of contamination to water supplies and shall be at least 50 feet in downgrade from any sources of water supply. The site shall be given to the direction of prevailing winds to reduce odor nuisances.
B. The privy shall be constructed of substantial materials using a concrete vault large enough to provide several years storage and be provided with a clean out in order to assure easy access.
(1) The pit shall be provided with a screened vent and the seat covers and doors shall be self-closing to prevent the entrance of files. The super-structure shall be fly tight, well ventilated and fastened solidly to the floor.
(2) An earth mound shall be placed around the privy or a surface water diversion ditch shall be used to prevent flooding of the vault.
(3) The seat and cover shall be smooth and easily cleanable.
(4) The door shall be provided with weather stripping for purposes of insect proofing.
(Ord. 262, 12/4/1972, §5)