§ 26-302.   Exemptions.
   1.   Regulated activities that result in cumulative earth disturbances or new impervious areas listed below are exempt from the requirements in § 26-303, § 26-304, and Part 4 of this Chapter, subject to the following:
      A.   New impervious areas or land disturbance areas shall not exceed the following based on total lot area:
Parcel Size (Acre)
Land Disturbance Area
New Impervious Area
< 0.5
< 10,000 S.F.
< 1,500 S.F
0.5 – 1.0
< 10,000 S.F.
< 2,000 S.F.
1.0 or greater
< 43,560 S.F.
< 2,500 S.F.
      B.   All concentrated discharges from downspouts, pipes or channels shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line and/or public right-of-way and provide for diffused flow at the property line.
   2.   Agricultural activity is exempt from the SWM site plan preparation requirements of this Chapter provided the activities are performed according to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102.
   3.   Forest management and timber operations are exempt from the SWM site plan preparation requirements of this Chapter provided the activities are performed according to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102.
   4.   Exemptions from any provisions of this Chapter shall not relieve the applicant from the requirements in § 26-301.4. through § 26-301.12.
   5.   The Municipality may deny or revoke any exemption pursuant to this Section at any time for any project that the Municipality believes may pose a threat to public health and safety or the environment.
(Ord. 643, 10/10/2022)