(A)   The purposes of these regulations are to provide greater design flexibility in the development of land when consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of this chapter. The use of planned unit development (PUD) zoning classifications shall be encouraged when the use of such regulations promotes a harmonious variety of uses, and/or foster the creation of attractive, healthful, efficient and stable environments for living, shopping or working.
   (B)   The PUD regulations and procedures may apply to the redevelopment of presently developed lands, or the development of open or vacant developments and their relationship with other surrounding uses and the overall characteristics of the area in which located.
   (C)   PUD regulations are intended to encourage innovations in land development techniques so that the growing demands of the community may be met with greater flexibility and variety in type, design and layout of sites and buildings and by the conservation and more efficient use of open spaces and other amenities generally enhancing the quality of life.
   (D)   Planned development projects should also encourage a more efficient use of land that reflects the changes in the technology of land development so that resulting economies may accrue to the benefit of the community at large.
   (E)   To enhance the purpose and intent of the PUD, the provisions of § 94-33 of this chapter may be modified by specific finding of the Plan Commission that the proposed PUD provides and allows for a deviation(s) in the standards consistent with this chapter, the intent of which will allow more development resulting in economies that accrue to the benefit of the community at large through the use of a PUD. Under this provision, the Commission shall consider and apply the buffering requirements set out in § 94-38 of this chapter when considering a PUD.
(Ord. 2001-1478, passed 11-19-2001)