If any vacancy occurs in an elected office and there remains an unexpired portion of the term of at least 28 months, and the vacancy occurs at least 128 days before the general municipal election next scheduled under the general election law, then the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term at that general municipal election. If a vacancy occurs with less than 28 months remaining in the unexpired portion of the term or less than 130 days before the general municipal election, then:
   (a)   Mayor. If a vacancy is in the office of Mayor, then vacancy must be filled by the Council electing one of its members as Acting Mayor.
   (b)   Alderman. If the vacancy is in the office of Alderman, the vacancy must be filled by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, as the case may be, by appointment within 60 days after the vacancy occurs. Once the appointment of the qualified person has been forwarded to the Council the Council shall act on the appointment within 30 days.
   (c)   If the vacancy is in any elective municipal office other than Mayor or Alderman, the Mayor or Acting Mayor, as the case may be, must appoint a qualified person to hold the office until the office is filled by election, subject to the advice and consent of the City Council.
(1942 Code Chap. XXXIII, Sec. 6) (Ord. 2017-6-1. Passed 6-7-17.)
Statutory reference:
   65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-50