Sexual abuse of a minor is a crime.
   (a)   Child Abuse Incident Reporting and Follow-Up. Any case of known or suspected child abuse of a minor must be reported immediately in compliance with Illinois mandatory reporting guidelines and to the Coordinator and the City Attorney's Office. In the event that the Coordinator is first notified of an incident of known or suspected child abuse, the Coordinator shall immediately notify the child's parent or legal guardian as the case be, and the appropriate legal authorities as required by state or local law. The Coordinator shall prepare a Suspected Child Abuse Standard Report and immediately follow-up to investigate the incident and to ascertain the condition of the child. The Coordinator shall communicate any questions or concerns about any incident with the State's Attorney. Any employee or volunteer involved in a reported incident of sexual misconduct or child abuse shall be immediately relieved of responsibilities that involve interaction with minors or shall be suspended, as determined by the employee's supervisor. Reinstatement of employees or volunteers involved in a reported incident of child abuse shall occur only after all allegations of child abuse have been cleared by the City.
   (b)   Maintenance of Records and Documents. The Coordinator shall maintain all records and documentation required by law or otherwise required by this and other such related policies of the City including all documents related to procedures for hiring-screening, employee/volunteer code of conduct, training, sign-in/sign-out, pick-up and release procedures, incident reporting follow-up and disciplinary action.
(Ord. 2021-11-1. Passed 11- 10-21.)