(a)   The City includes all that territory lying within the south half of the southwest quarter of Section Five, the south half of the southeast quarter of Section Six, the east half of Section Seven and the west half of Section Eight, all in Township Ten North, range Thirteen West, of the second principal meridian, in Clark County, Illinois. The City contains within its corporate limits, metes and bounds a territorial area of one and one-eighth square miles, more or less.
(1942 Code Chap. XIV, Sec. 1)
   (b)   The description of the territorial boundaries of the City, as set forth in subsection (a) hereof, has been modified by the annexation and/or detachment of territory authorized by Council between the date of the approval, adoption and enactment of the 1942 Code of Ordinances of the City and the date of the approval, adoption and enactment of these Codified Ordinances. Copies of all relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the City Clerk.