Any applicant for a license to keep, maintain, conduct or operate a junk yard shall be disqualified for any of the following reasons (the term “applicant” as used in this section includes the applicant, all partners, all officers and all owners if the applicant is a corporation and all managers and all members if the applicant is a limited liability company):
   (a)   Not a person of good character;
   (b)   Falsification of an applicant for a license hereunder;
   (c)   License for a junk yard theretofore issued to the applicant has been revoked during the preceding twenty-four months; or
   (d)   Failure to meet any one of the minimum physical requirements for a junk yard as specified in Section 837.02 hereof.
(Ord. 2018-4-2. Passed 4-11-18.)