(a)   The Codified Ordinances of Martinsville, Illinois, 1990, may be amended or supplemented at any time and, when any amendment or supplement is adopted in such form as to indicate the intention of Council to make the same a part thereof, such amendment or supplement shall be incorporated in, and deemed a part of, the Codified Ordinances, so that a reference to the Codified Ordinances shall be understood and construed as including the Codified Ordinances of Martinsville, Illinois, 1990, and any and all such amendments and supplements.
   (b)   All amendments and supplements enacted as a part of the Codified Ordinances shall be integrated therewith by following the form of arrangement and plan set forth in the original Codified Ordinances as follows: each Code shall be subdivided into titles and/or chapters, each title shall be subdivided into chapters, and each chapter shall be subdivided into sections, which shall be numbered in accordance with the decimal numbering system. The numbering of all sections, except penalty sections, shall be consecutive within each chapter commencing with the first section of Chapter 202, which shall be numbered 202.01, the first "2" signifying Code 2, and the two figures "02" before the decimal signifying the chapter within the Code, and the two figures "01" after the decimal signifying the first section in Chapter 202 of the Code. Penalty sections shall be designated “99” and shall be the last section of a chapter.
   (c)   When preparing an amendment or a supplement to this Code, the codifier, meaning the person, agency, or organization authorized to prepare the amendment or supplement, may make formal, nonsubstantive changes in ordinances and parts of ordinances included in the supplement, insofar as it is necessary to do so to embody them into a unified Code. For example, the codifier may:
      (1)   Organize the ordinance material into appropriate subdivisions;
      (2)   Provide appropriate catchlines, headings and titles for sections and other subdivisions of the Code printed in the supplement, and make changes in such catchlines, headings and titles;
      (3)   Assign appropriate numbers to sections and other subdivisions to be inserted in the Code and, where necessary to accommodate new material, change existing section or other subdivision numbers;
      (4)   Change the words "this ordinance" or words of the same meaning to "this chapter," “this article,” “this division,” etc. as the case may be, or to “sections               to                 ” inserting section numbers to indicate the sections of the Code which embody the substantive sections of the ordinance incorporated into the Code; and
      (5)   Make other nonsubstantive changes necessary to preserve the original meaning of ordinance sections or the alphabetical arrangement of new chapters inserted into the Code, but in no case shall the codifier make any change in the meaning or effect of ordinance material included in the supplement or already embodied in the Code.
(Ord. 2018-07-2. Passed 7-11-18.)