Council welcomes attendance by members of the public at its meetings. Council also encourages the expression of opinions on matters under consideration by Council. Likewise, Council is required to conduct the business of the City in an orderly and efficient manner and shall therefore require reasonable controls to regulate public presentations to Council. Council encourages persons to seek solutions to their problems through regular administrative channels, including prior discussions with their Alderman.
   The rules for public comment are as follows:
   (a)   The meetings of the City Council are open to members of the public, except those portions of the meetings that are in closed session according to the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
   (b)   Members of the public have a right to speak or make comments at the open session of all regular and special open Council meetings.
   (c)   Members of the public may only speak during their allotted speaking time or if asked a question by a member of the Council.
   (d)   The Mayor will determine the order of the speakers.
   (e)   Individuals are expected to identify themselves by full name and address and be brief.
   (f)   Public comments must be germane to an item on the agenda.
   (g)   The Mayor retains the right to stop any speaker who raises issues that are not on the agenda or are not germane to an item on the agenda.
   (h)   Comments by members of the public are limited to three minutes but may be extended upon a vote of the Council. A speaker may not cede time to another speaker.
   (i)   In unusual circumstances, and when the person has given advance notice of the need to speak for a longer period of time, he or she may be allowed to speak for more than three minutes.
   (j)   The Mayor many deny the opportunity to speak to a person who has previously addressed the Council if that person is speaking on the same subject that he or she addressed within the past two months.
   (k)   Members of the public may distribute written materials, including copies of their comments, to the members of the Council.
   (l)   Written copies of comments pertaining to an agenda item from people who are not in attendance at the meeting will not be read aloud at the meeting. If these comments are received by the Mayor before the Council meeting, they will be distributed to the Council members before the meeting is called to order.
   (m)   Members of the public may not bring signs, banners, or other display material.
   (n)   Individuals in need of interpreters or other special needs must contact the Mayor at least 24 hours before the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made free of charge.
   (o)   The Mayor retains the right to stop or remove any speaker who uses profanity, make threats, or is otherwise abusive or disruptive.
   (p)   Petitions or written correspondence to the Council shall be presented to the Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
   (q)   The Council reserves the right to override the above rules in case of emergency or other unforeseen circumstances.
(Ord. 93-5-3. Passed 5-5-93; Ord. 2014-10-1. Passed 10-8-14.)