Noise Regulations
91.01 Purpose
91.02 Unreasonable noise prohibited
91.03 Limitations on the volume of sound emanating from vehicular sound amplification systems
91.04 Application for special events which involve loud and potentially disruptive noise
91.05 Engine exhaust braking system
Weeds, Brush and the Like
91.15 Definitions
91.16 Prohibited conditions
91.17 Notice to correct prohibited conditions
91.18 Correction of prohibited conditions by city; lien
91.19 Abatement hearing
Roadside Maintenance
91.20 Definitions
91.21 Prohibited conditions
91.22 Notice to correct prohibited conditions
91.23 Correction of prohibited conditions by city; lien
91.24 Abatement hearing
Junked and Nuisance Vehicles
91.30 Purpose
91.31 Definitions
91.32 Administrative responsibility
91.33 Junked vehicles declared a nuisance
91.34 Exceptions
91.35 Enforcement
91.36 Public hearing in Municipal Court
91.37 Disposal of nuisance vehicle
91.38 Notice to state
91.39 Civil enforcement
Substandard Structures
91.50 Unsafe buildings
91.51 Unoccupied buildings
91.52 [Reserved]
91.53 Notice of violation
91.54 Initial hearing
91.55 Burden of proof at hearing
91.56 Procedure after initial hearing
91.57 Enforcement
91.58 Securing of substandard buildings
91.59 Notice of secured building
91.60 Hearing
91.61 Procedure after hearing
91.62 Costs
91.99 Penalty
The purpose of this subchapter is to provide clear regulations for the control of loud and disturbing noise within the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The objective is to control noise where necessary to allow all citizens to enjoy an environment free from unnecessary noise.
(Ord. passed 12-7-2004)
(A) The creation of any unreasonable loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises in the city is hereby prohibited.
(B) Noises of a character, intensity and duration as are reasonably calculated to be detrimental to the life or health of any ordinary reasonable person are hereby prohibited.
(Ord. passed 12-7-2004) Penalty, see § 91.99