(A)   Application.
      (1)   All applications for boards and commissions shall be submitted to the City Clerk.
      (2)   Applications for boards and commissions may be submitted at any time to the City Clerk for consideration for appointment.
      (3)   Applications for all boards and commissions shall be valid for one year after submission. A completed application must be on file in order for an individual to be considered for appointment to a board or commission.
      (4)   Applicants may attach supporting documents with completed applications.
   (B)   Board and Commission appointments.
      (1)   In addition to any other applicable notification requirement, public notices will be provided for all board and commission vacancies. In addition, the office of the City Clerk will post a call for applications on the city's website; billing and city hall.
      (2)   The City Clerk will forward the applications to the City Council for their review.
      (3)   Applicants not selected to serve on the board or commission for which he or she has applied after one year since submission shall assume their application is denied.
      (4)   The provisions of this section also apply to mayoral appointments.
      (5)   The office of the City Clerk shall submit applications to the City Council. The City Council will review the applications to determine a proposed slate for Council consideration, and may request to conduct interviews of applicants during a Council meeting.
      (6)   Official selection by the City Council shall take place no sooner than one week after the date of the Council committee meeting, unless otherwise directed by the City Council.
      (7)   If an interview is requested, nominees must appear in person for the interview. If an individual is ill, out of town, or cannot appear in person, a written statement must be submitted to the office of the City Clerk prior to the date of the interview, in order to be considered for appointment. An individual will not be considered for appointment if he or she fails to appear in person for the interview or fails to submit a written statement.
   (C)   Membership.
      (1)   All advisory boards will consist of five members appointed by the City Council unless stated otherwise.
      (2)   In order to be qualified to serve, all applicants for boards and commissions must be residents of the city or within the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), and continue such residency during the term of their appointment, if appointed.
      (3)   Board and commission members cannot serve on more than one board during an active term.
      (4)   Members of the Martindale City Council cannot serve on any boards or commission, other than the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (5)   Chair.
         (a)   At each new committee’s first meeting or as soon as immediately possible, the committee shall elect one committee member to serve as chair for one term year.
         (b)   The chair is the chief executive officer of the committee. The chair shall at all times actively ensure that the laws and ordinances of the municipality are properly carried out. The chair shall give to the City Council reports and recommendations to the governing body any measure, that relates to improving objectives described in the purpose of their committee. In good faith, the chair shall accurately report recommendations of the board or commission to the City Council.
      (6)   Vice-chair.
         (a)   At each new committee’s first meeting or as soon as practicable, the committee shall elect one committee member to serve as vice-chair for one term year.
         (b)   If the chair fails, is unable, or refuses to act, the vice-chair shall perform the chair’s duties. If the chair and the vice-chair are absent, any committee member may be appointed to preside at the meeting.
      (7)   Records officer.
         (a)   At each new committee’s first meeting or as soon as practicable, the board or commission shall elect one committee member to serve as records officer for one term year.
         (b)   The records officer shall keep accurate minutes of the governing body’s proceedings.
         (c)   Take charge of, arrange, and maintain the records of the board or commission.
         (d)   Prepare all notices required under any regulation or ordinance of the municipality.
         (e)   The records officer shall comply with the city’s adopted record management policy.
      (8)   When making appointments to boards and commissions, the city shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age or disability.
   (D)   Terms of office.
      (1)   Length of term. Board or commission members are appointed for a term of office of two years. The term of office for each board or commission member will run concurrently with the terms of office of the City Council that appoints each member.
      (2)   Each board member shall be assigned a place number.
         (a)   Appointments to board members place 1, 3, 5 term duration shall be reconsidered every odd year.
         (b)   Appointments to board members place 2 and 4 term duration shall be reconsidered very even year.
      (3)   Appointments made during an existing term are for the remainder of the unexpired term.
      (4)   Call for applications for expiring terms shall initiate four months prior to the expiration.
      (5)   Term limits shall extend from May 15 to May 14.
   (E)   Meeting procedures.
      (1)   Boards and commissions will conduct meetings in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, or in accordance with meeting procedures adopted by the board or commission that ensure basic parliamentary procedures are followed.
      (2)   Board and commission meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. A majority of the number of seats on the board or commission shall constitute a quorum to convene a meeting; in all other matters upon which the board or commission may vote, a majority of the members in office shall be necessary for adoption. Non-voting members do not count when determining a quorum.
      (3)   The City Clerk office shall be responsible for posting the meeting notices 72 hours prior to the meeting.
      (4)   Boards and commissions shall meet periodically once a month; other than Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (5)   All board and commission meetings shall be held in the City Council chamber.
      (6)   Proxy votes are not allowed.
      (7)   The board or commission record officer shall prepare and maintain minutes of the board or commission meetings. Such minutes shall be maintained in accordance with the city’s records retention schedule. All records are subject to the Texas Public Information Act.
   (F)   Attendance.
      (1)   If a board or commission member’s attendance at regularly scheduled meetings falls below 50% on an annual basis from the appointment date, or a member misses three regularly scheduled consecutive meetings, the respective department liaison shall notify the office of the City Clerk, who shall coordinate the attendance issue with the City Council. The City Clerk, as applicable, shall notify the member in writing that the member will be removed from the respective board or commission, without any further action by the City Council.
      (2)   Such removal shall act as direction to the office of the City Clerk to advertise for applications to the board or commission from which the member was removed, in the same manner as described in division (B)(1), as applicable. The new member shall serve out the remainder of the term of the removed member.
      (3)   A member who is removed from a board or commission for failure to meet the attendance requirement is ineligible to seek appointment to any board or commission for a period of one calendar year from the date of the member’s automatic removal.
   (G)   Removal from office.
      (1)   All board and commission members serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed from office at the discretion of the City Council without cause, such removal to be evidenced by the appointment of a new appointee.
      (2)   Requests for removal of a board or commission member must be initiated in writing by the City Council member is directed to the office of the City Clerk. Such request will be considered at the following regular City Council meeting. If the request for removal of a board or commission member passes then the office of the City Clerk is to advertise for applications to the board or commission from which the member was removed in the same manner as described in division (B)(1), as applicable. The request may also direct the office of the City Clerk to place the name of a new appointee on the next available City Council agenda for appointment. The new member shall serve out the remainder of the term of the removed member.
   (H)   Resignations.
      (1)   All resignations must be in writing, filed with the office of the City Clerk, and state the specific date of resignation and the name of the board or commission from which the member is resigning.
      (2)   All resignations shall take effect upon receipt by the office of the City Clerk and without any further action by the City Council, shall constitute an automatic removal from the board or commission and act as direction to the office of the City Clerk to advertise for applications to the board or commission from which the member resigned in the same manner as described in division (B)(1), as applicable. The new member shall serve out the remainder of the term of the resigned member.
   (I)   Vacancy.
      (1)   In the event of a vacancy of either chair, vice-chair, or record officer, the committee shall at the next committee meeting first item for consideration is to appoint a member of the committee to complete the vacancy’s term.
      (2)   If the committee fails to appoint a member of the committee to either chair, vice-chair, or record officer at the next committee meeting then the Mayor shall appoint a member of the committee to occupy the position at the next Council meeting.
      (3)   When a position is vacant on the commission, a replacement board member shall be appointed in the same manner as described in division (B)(1), as applicable.
         (a)   The Chapter I (3)(c) is to reoccurring at until the vacancy is occupied.
   (J)   New member orientation and swearing-in.
      (1)   A thorough orientation will be provided to all newly appointed board and commission members by the City Administrator or City Clerk. Specific information on policies and procedures for the respective board or commission will be provided at that time. Board and commission members will sign a document to verify that they have attended the necessary orientation. The pertinent City Clerk shall maintain records of these documents in accordance with the city’s records retention schedule.
      (2)   Continuing education programs will be instituted by the City Administrator or written designee shall provide up-to-date information on any legislation or other pertinent information that would affect the department’s respective board or commission. Board and commission members must be kept abreast of all issues related to the board or commission and its responsibilities.
      (3)   Newly appointed members will be invited to a swearing-in ceremony to be scheduled by the office of the City Clerk.
      (4)   The failure or refusal to attend the department orientation within the first year of service shall constitute an automatic removal without further action by the City Council. The office of the City Clerk shall notify the appointing Council member and the board member of the removal. A replacement board member shall be appointed in the same manner as described in division (B)(1), as applicable.
      (5)   A member who is automatically removed from a board or commission for failure to attend the department orientation requirement is ineligible to seek appointment to any board or commission for a period of one calendar year from the date of the member’s automatic removal.
   (K)   City Council committee oversight.
      (1)   Each board and commission will report to the City Council.
      (2)   The office of the City Clerk shall maintain a list of this reporting relationship, which will include the name of each city board and commission and its designated City Council committee.
      (3)   Written reports from each board or commission regarding its activities and recommendations must be provided to the City Council on a monthly basis and upon request.
      (4)   A comprehensive report from each board or commission regarding its activities and recommendations must be provided to the City Council on an annual basis before the end of the fiscal year.
   (L)   Comprehensive Plan. Above all purposes assigned to boards or commissions; boards or commissions shall align their objectives and recommendations to the City Council with most current strategic or master plan adopted by the City Council.
(Ord. 2023-01-05-01, passed 1-5-2023)