(A)   Consideration of an official renaming of a public street shall be initiated by a written request from a person, organization, or other entity requesting the name change. The written request shall include the current street name, the requested street name, the reason justifying the street renaming, the range or length of the portion of the street to be renamed.
   (B)   A request for an official renaming of a public street must be accompanied by a petition signed by at least 75% of the recorded property owners on the street proposed for the renaming.
   (C)   A request for an official renaming of a public street must be accompanied by a fee of $250.
   (D)   The following preferences shall apply to the review and approval of any proposed official street renaming:
      (1)   A proposed name shall have a long-standing local or community identification with city residents and be understandable to a majority of those residents.
      (2)   Preference shall be given to any name which:
         (a)   Gives a sense of place, continuity, and belonging reflecting the geographic location, community, and neighborhood;
         (b)   Recognizes the historical significance of an area;
         (c)   Reflects any unique characteristics of the area; or
         (d)   Is consistent with any generally accepted or common theme.
      (3)   The name of a person, organization, corporation, foundation, or similar entity shall be considered only when such person or entity has a made a significant contribution to the city by enhancing the quality of life and well-being of the city and its citizens or contributing to the historical, cultural, or societal interests of the city, the region, the state, or the United States.
   (E)   The following limitations shall apply to the review and approval of any proposed official street renaming:
      (1)   A proposed official street name must meet all applicable addressing standards established by the United States Postal Service, Caldwell County 911 Address Administrator, and any requirements or limitations imposed by applicable emergency services and public safety service providers. These requirements may not be waived.
      (2)   A proposed official street name must not cause confusion or misunderstanding due to duplication of or similarity with the city or county;
      (3)   A proposed official street name must not reflect the name of an entity or business associated with tobacco, alcohol, pornography, or subject to police regulation;
      (4)   A proposed official street name must not be discriminatory of or derogatory towards any race, gender, creed, political affiliation, or similar consideration;
      (5)   A proposed official street name must not consist of a logo or trade name for a commercially available product;
   (F)   A petition for an official street renaming shall be initially reviewed and considered for recommendation by the City Administrator, which shall review the proposal for compliance with this subchapter. The City Administrator shall request the review of the proposed street name by the Caldwell County 911 Address Administrator and may seek the recommendation of other public safety service providers and county officials.
   (G)   Upon determining that an application is complete and the applicant has made adequate provisions for the costs of processing and reviewing the application, the City Administrator will schedule the application for a public hearing and consideration by the City Council. The public hearing will be preceded by a notice published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least ten days before the date of the hearing.
   (H)   The City Council will hold a public hearing on the request for the proposed name change before making a final decision. If a proposed street name change is contested in writing prior to the public hearing or communicated during the public hearing, a super majority of the City Council is required to approve any proposed street name.
   (I)   The review and final approval of any proposed street name shall be within the sole discretion of the City Council.
   (J)   If the request is approved by the City Council, the City Administrator shall provide the appropriate information regarding the commemorative street or public facility name to the Caldwell County 911 Address Administrator for review and Geographic Information Systems Department (GIS) for input into its system.
(Ord. 2020-04-07, passed 4-7-2020)