When only a portion of a tract is to be platted initially, with one or more additional phases of the same subdivision to be platted sequentially at a later date, and where a preliminary plat is not submitted for the entire original tract, the following provisions apply.
   (A)   A subdivision development plan for the entire tract and a preliminary plat, if required, for that phase to be immediately developed shall be submitted together for review and approval in accordance with the procedures in § 154.022 above for preliminary plats. The subdivision development plan is a scale drawing including a vicinity map and legal description of the property, and showing proposed street rights-of-way, easements, building sites or lots, areas for parks or other public facilities, school sites, utilities, drainage features, contour intervals of not less than five feet, and proposed phase boundaries for the subdivision to be developed in sections.
   (B)   Upon approval, or approval with modifications, of the subdivision development plan and preliminary plat by the Commission, a final plat for that portion to be immediately developed shall be submitted in accordance with this chapter. Additional phases conforming with the approved subdivision development plan may then be platted sequentially in accordance with the requirements for preliminary and final plats. No changes to the subdivision development plan shall be made without approval of the Commission.
   (C)   The first phase subdivided shall be labeled "Section One" following the name of the subdivision, with subsequent phases numbered sequentially thereafter.
(Ord. 08-358, passed 11-18-2008)