§ 156.I.001 CITY COUNCIL.
   (A)   Generally. The City Council has all powers conferred upon it by the City of Marshalltown Code of Ordinances and the laws of the State of Iowa. With respect to decision-making pursuant to this Zoning Ordinance, in addition to the authorized acts of the Code of Ordinances, the City Council will exercise the powers set out in this section.
   (B)   Approvals. The City Council shall have the authority to make final decisions on the development review applications denoted in Table 156.J.002.12-1, Development Review Summary Table. In addition, the City Council shall have the authority to approve, adopt, or amend:
      (1)   Plans and programs for the development and redevelopment of the city, including but is not limited to, amending the text and maps of the Comprehensive Plan or other plans from time to time;
      (2)   The city's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP);
      (3)   Policies or procedures to facilitate implementation of planning programs;
      (4)   Proposed covenants, conditions, and restrictions as required by the city; and
      (5)   Any other action not delegated to any other board or commission as the City Council may deem desirable and necessary to implement the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance and the goals and objectives of the city, provided such action is not contrary to the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance or state law.
   (C)   Appeals. The City Council shall hear and decide appeals from decisions of the Plan and Zoning Commission after a public hearing, as set out in § 156.J.002, Common Review Procedures.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)