(A)   Installation.
      (1)   Identification. Every permitted sign shall display in a conspicuous place on the sign, in letters no less than one inch in height, the date of erection, the permit number, the name of the sign manufacturer and installer, and the voltage of any electrical apparatus used.
      (2)   Anchoring. Signs shall not be suspended by chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing, due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that could cause wear on supporting members or connections.
      (3)   Supports. Supports and braces shall be an integral part of the sign design. Angle irons or wires used for supports or braces shall be hidden from public view to the extent technically feasible.
      (4)   Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be self-supporting structures and be permanently attached to sufficient foundations.
      (5)   Attached signs. Attached signs must derive their principle and total support from the building to which they are attached.
      (6)   Use of fill under monument signs. Mounds or berms may be used to elevate permanent monument signs, provided that the mound or berm elevates the base of the sign not more than three feet above the natural grade at the location of the sign.
      (7)   Electrical switch. The sign shall be equipped with a switch that prevents electricity from flowing to the sign in order to promote safety during maintenance.
      (8)   Inspection request. After any sign requiring a permit is constructed or erected, the sign contractor performing the work or service shall notify the Building Official for final inspection of the sign.
   (B)   Inspection. The Building Official or Zoning Administrator has the right to visit any site where a sign is erected or is being erected, installed, converted, relocated, enlarged, or modified in the city for the purpose of making any inspection necessary.
      (1)   If the Zoning Administrator finds a sign to be non-conforming, the Zoning Administrator shall cause notice in writing to be given the owner of the sign or the owner of the building to which it is attached to at once remove the sign.
      (2)   If such owner neglects or fails to comply therewith, the Building Official or Zoning Administrator may cause the sign to be removed and the expense thereof to be assessed against the owner of the building or sign and collected as other special taxes.
      (3)   Anyone violating any of the provisions of this subchapter shall be subject to a fine that shall be set by resolution.
      (4)   Any fines issued or actions taken by the Zoning Administrator under this subsection may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment, whose decision is subject to judicial review pursuant to I.C.A. § 414.15. Removal of a sign shall be stayed during such appeal unless the sign presents a danger to public safety.
   (C)   Maintenance. Signs that do not have a permit, or are not maintained as set out in this section, are subject to the provisions set out in this division.
      (1)   Message. Signs shall display messages. Signs that do not display a message for a period of more than 90 days are "abandoned signs," which are prohibited subject to § 156.G.003, Prohibited Signs.
      (2)   Upkeep of ground around sign. The area within a ten-foot radius of the base of a sign shall be kept free of weeds, rubbish, or flammable waste or material.
      (3)   Supports and other hardware. Structural supports, braces, bolds, clips, supporting frames and fastenings of a sign shall be kept in good repair and safe condition, including replacement of defective parts, so that the sign is securely fastened or anchored to a building wall, structural framing, or other foundation.
      (4)   Paint and finishes. Paint and other finishes shall be maintained in good condition. Peeling finishes shall be repaired. Signs with running colors shall be repainted, repaired, removed, or replaced if the running colors were not part of the original design.
      (5)   Corrosion and rust. Permanent signs and sign structures shall be finished and maintained to prevent corrosion and rust. A patina on copper elements is not considered rust.
      (6)   Level position. Signs that are designed to be level shall be installed and maintained in a level position.
      (7)   Materials. All signs shall be constructed of durable materials and securely attached to framework, with supports made of masonry, wood, metal, or other material of equivalent strength.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)