(A)   Generally. The signs described in this section may be installed or modified without a sign permit and not counted in the total square footage of signage allowed on any particular property or site, provided that the sign otherwise complies with the Building Code and with all applicable regulations of this Zoning Ordinance and the following requirements:
      (1)   The temporary signage permitted by this section shall be regulated by the base zoning district and by number, size, height, location, duration of signs placed on a property on a temporary basis;
      (2)   All temporary signs must be made of durable materials and shall be well-maintained;
      (3)   Lighting shall only be from ambient, external illumination;
      (4)   The party posting the temporary sign is solely responsible for obtaining the permission of the property owner before posting their temporary sign; and
      (5)   The Zoning Administrator has the authority to remove any temporary signage that does not meet any and all of the requirements of this article.
   (B)   Allowed signs. Table 156.G.006-1, Allowed Temporary Signs, sets out:
      (1)   The temporary sign types allowed in each zoning district; and
      (2)   The standards applicable to each sign type.
   (C)   Unlisted signs. Signs that are not listed in Table 156.G.006-1 are prohibited as temporary signs.
Table 156.G.006-1
Allowed Temporary Signs
Sign Type
Residenti al Districts
Mixed-Use and Non-Residential Districts
Example Image
Table 156.G.006-1
Allowed Temporary Signs
Sign Type
Residenti al Districts
Mixed-Use and Non-Residential Districts
Example Image
Balloon Sign
Number Allowed
Maximum Area
50 s.f.
50 s.f.
Maximum Height
20 ft.
20 ft.
Illuminati on
Ambient Only
Ambient Only
Maximum Days Sign May be Displayed (Cycle)
15 days
15 days
Maximum Cycles per Calendar Year
Banner Sign
Number Allowed
1 per street frontage for a single tenant building; 1 per business in a multi-tenant building, subject to separation requirements
Maximum Area
48 sq. ft.
100 sq. ft.
Maximum Height
Attached: Below eave line or parapet wall; Ground Mounted: 5 ft.
Illuminati on
Ambient Only
Minimum Separation
25 feet from other temporary signs
Maximum Days Sign
30 days
May be Displayed (Cycle)
Maximum Cycles per Calendar Year
Feather Sign
Number Allowed
1 per 50 ft. of street frontag e with a max. of 3 per street frontag e
1 per 50 ft. of street frontage with a max. of 3 per street frontage
Maximum Area
24 s.f.
24 s.f.
Maximum Height
8 ft.
8 ft.
Minimum Setback
Illuminati on
Ambie nt Only
Ambient Only
Maximum Days Sign May be Displayed (Cycle)
30 days
30 days
Maximum Cycles per Calendar Year
Freestanding Development Sign
Number Allowed
1 per lot
2 per street frontage
Maximum Area
48 s.f. per sign
Maximum Height
8 ft.
Minimum Separation
5 ft. between signs
Minimum Setback
10 ft.
10 ft.
Maximum Days Sign May be Displayed (Cycle)
Sign shall be removed upon project completion, issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, transfer of ownership of subdivided lots or after six months of inactivity on a project or development.
Maximum Cycles per Calendar Year
Other Signs
A freestanding development sign is prohibited from a property that already has a permanent freestanding sign
L-Frame/H-Frame Sign
Number Allowed
1 per street frontage
Maximum Area
9 s.f.
Maximum Height
6 ft.
Minimum Setback1
6 feet; 20 ft. from an intersection
Illuminati on
Ambient only
Maximum Days Signs May be Displayed (Cycle)
180 days
Maximum Cycles Per Calendar Year
Yard Sign
Number Allowed
No maximum number; see next row for maximum area
One Every 30 ft; Max. of 5 signs
Maximum Area
6 s.f. per side
9 s.f. per side
Maximum Height
4 ft.
4 ft.
Minimum Setback
Illuminati on
Ambient only
Maximum Days Signs May be Displayed (Cycle)
30 days
Maximum Cycles Per Calendar Year
   (D)   Portable signs. Portable signs may be located in any nonresidential zoning district on a temporary basis through issuance of a sign permit subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Maximum size. Signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area;
      (2)   Maximum height. Signs shall not exceed six feet in height;
      (3)   Public right-of-way. Portable signs shall not be located in any public right-of-way;
      (4)   Duration. One portable sign shall be permitted on any zoning lot for a period of not more than 60 days in any calendar year.
      (5)   Off-premises signs. Off-premises advertising is prohibited.
      (6)   Other standards.
         (a)   Portable signs may not be adapted for use as permanent signs.
         (b)   All portable signs being displayed on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance are subject to the above regulations and shall be removed within 30 days unless authorized in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)