(A)   Generally. Requirements for the planting of all landscape material is set out in this section.
   (B)   Plant material standards.
      (1)   Plant variety. All plants shall be of the type and species appropriate for the climate and location being planted. All plant material shall be commercially produced and meet the minimum standards recognized by landscape professionals. In order to reduce the threat and impact of plant disease, multiple plant types and species shall be utilized on each site.
      (2)   Prohibited plants. Refer to Parks & Recreation Department for a list of prohibited plants.
      (3)   Sizes. All required plants shall meet the size and variety requirements in Table 156.F.002, Minimum Plant Sizes and Varieties.
Table 156.F.002-2,
Minimum Plant Sizes and Varieties
Plant Type
Minimum Size or Varieties
Overstory Tree
2.0-inch caliper
Understory Trees
1.5-inch caliper
Evergreen/Coniferous Tree
6-feet in height
3-gallon container
Ornamental Grasses
1-gallon container
   (C)   Plant locations. All plantings shall comply with the following:
      (1)   Public right-of-way. A permit shall be obtained prior to planting any street tree or landscape material in the public right-of-way.
      (2)   Sight distance triangle. No landscaping may be planted in violation of the visibility triangle established in Subsection 156.B.008.a, Measurements. Corner lots, and in situations where driveways and alleys intersect with street rights-of-way, shall be kept free of landscaping and plant materials that interfere with the vision of a motorist or pedestrian.
      (3)   Easements. No trees shall be placed within any public utility easement. Any shrubs or ornamental grasses planted within public utility easement (if allowed by the easement) shall not be required to be replaced in the event maintenance, repair, or installation of a utility is needed.
      (4)   Fire safety. Landscaping shall meet minimum clearances from all fire hydrants and building sprinkler systems as required by the Fire Department.
      (5)   Spacing. In general, all plants shall be sited and spaced in a manner to allow for appropriate growth to mature size.
   (D)   Plant substitutions. The following substitution of tree planting requirements may be made:
      (1)   Overstory. One overstory tree may be substituted in place of ten required shrubs.
      (2)   Understory. One understory tree may be substituted in place of five required shrubs.
      (3)   Evergreen. One evergreen/coniferous tree may be substituted in place of one required overstory tree.
      (4)   Substitution. One overstory tree may be substituted in place of two required understory trees. Two understory trees may be substituted for one required overstory tree.
      (5)   Grasses. Three ornamental grasses may be substituted for one required shrub.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)