(A)   Using the Use Table. Table 156.C.003-1, Use Table, lists land uses in rows, organized by use category. The base zoning districts are arranged in columns. Where rows and columns intersect, a letter indicates if the use is permitted, permitted with limitations, special, or prohibited in the district.
   (B)   Use categories. Uses are grouped in Table 156.C.003-1 by use category. Use categories are defined, and specific uses that make up a use category are listed, in § 156.M.003, Definitions.
   (C)   Abbreviations. Table 156.C.003-1 uses the following abbreviations:
      (1)   "P" means that the land use is permitted by right, subject to the standards that apply to all permitted uses.
      (2)   "L" means that the land use is permitted with limitations, in the same manner as a permitted use, but is also subject to § 156.C.004, Limited Use Standards.
      (3)   "S" means that the use is allowed as a special use, which may be approved following a public hearing by the Plan and Zoning Commission and the City Council, subject to:
         (a)   Section 156.C.005, Special Use Permit Standards; and
         (b)   The procedures set forth in § 156.J.003, Legislative Review Procedures.
      (4)   "--" means that the use is a prohibited use in the specified district.
      (5)   "Cv" means the conventional development type.
      (6)   "Cl" means the cluster development type.
      (7)   "In" means the infill development type.
   (D)   Special and limited uses. Where a specific use is a special use in a given district and permitted with limitations in another district then the standards for the use are located in § 156.C.005.
   (E)   Standards. The "standards" column provides a reference to associated standards for uses permitted with limitations and for special uses. Where "N/A" is in the column, there is no associated standard because the use is permitted by right or there is no specific special use standard.
(Ord. 15039, passed 4-11-2022)