(A)   Snow removal operations.
      (1)   The Street Department shall post any street, avenue or area with appropriate signs where snow removal operations are to be carried out and, within three hours thereafter, all motor vehicles parked or left standing therein or thereon shall be removed therefrom. After such posting of any street, avenue or area for such purpose, no motor vehicle shall be parked or left standing therein.
      (2)   Parked automobiles that interfere with city snow removal operations may be towed away or otherwise removed to some other place of parking out of the way of snow removal operations.
(2013 Code, § 20-184)
   (B)   Snow routes. Streets or portions of streets shall be designated as snow routes, and there shall be erected suitable signs at the entrance to and along the routes.
(2013 Code, § 20-184.1)
   (C)   Snow route restrictions.
      (1)   (a)   When conditions of snow or ice exist on the traffic surface of a designated snow route, it is unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to impede or block traffic if the driving wheels of the vehicle are not equipped with snow tires, tire chains or non-slip differential.
         (b)   The term SNOW TIRES, as used in this schedule, means tires designed for use when there are conditions of snow or ice on the highways, and meeting the requirements that shall be promulgated by rule of the Commissioner of Public Safety.
      (2)   Standing or parking of vehicles upon a street designated as an emergency snow route shall be prohibited at any time when snow removal operations are in progress and before such operations have resulted in the removal or clearance of snow from such streets.
(2013 Code, § 20-184.2)
   (D)   Stalled vehicles on snow emergency routes and non-snow emergency routes.
      (1)   Whenever a vehicle becomes stalled or is unable to move under its own power on any part of a snow emergency route while there is a parking prohibition in effect, the person operating that vehicle shall take immediate action to have the vehicle towed or pushed off the roadway of the snow emergency route, either onto the first cross street which is not a snow emergency route or onto the public space portion of a nearby driveway. No person shall abandon or leave his or her vehicle in the roadway of such snow emergency route, except for a reasonable time necessary to receive assistance.
      (2)   Whenever a vehicle becomes stalled or is unable to move under its own power, for any reason, on a non-snow emergency route, the person operating the vehicle shall take immediate action to have the vehicle towed away or pushed to the side of the street upon which parking is permitted and within 24 hours shall have the vehicle removed from the street or highway.
(2013 Code, § 20-184.3)
   (E)   Snow routes designated; signs. The following streets or portions of streets shall be designated as snow routes and there shall be erected suitable signs at the entrance to and along the routes as are designated:
3rd Avenue
From Anson Street to the north corporate limits
7th Avenue
From Main Street to Church Street
9th Street
From Lincoln Way to Main Street
13th Street
From Main Street to Summit Street
18th Avenue
From Marion Street to Highway 30
Boone Street
From 9th Street to Center Street
Center Street
From the south corporate limits to Main Church Street
Church Street
From 9th Street to 7th Avenue
East and west ramps
From South 3rd Avenue to East Madison Street
East Anson Street
From South Center Street to South 3rd Avenue
Edgebrook Drive
From Southridge Road to Olive Street
Governor Road and 12th Avenue
From Iowa Avenue East to Main Street
Linn Street
From 3rd Street to South 3rd Avenue
Madison Street
From South 9th Street to South 4th Avenue
Main Street
From Highland Acres Road to 3rd Street and from 3rd Avenue to 18th Avenue
Marion Street
From North 3rd Avenue to North 18th Avenue
Nevada Street
From South 4th Avenue to South 18th Avenue
Olive Street
From 12th Street to 18th Avenue
South 12th Street
From Lincoln Way to Olive Street
South 3rd Street-South 6th Street
From West Linn Street to Iowa Avenue West
Southridge Road
From 6th Street to Governor Road
Summit Street
From Valley View Road to 13th Street
West Lincoln Way
From Highland Acres Road to South 9th Street
(2013 Code, § 20-184.3.5)
   (F)   Parking restricted in public lots during snow removal and maintenance operations. The following parking lots shall be designated as restricted from parking as indicated in the city's snow/maintenance alert issuance. Any vehicle found to be parked in violation of these provisions of this schedule, in addition to the penalty identified in Ch. 77, Schedule VII, shall be towed from said location by order of the police at the owner's expense.
      (1)   Restriction between 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., during "Group 1" as issued through City of Marshalltown News Flash.
City Parking Lots D, H, J, O, and N
      (2)   Restriction between 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., during "Group 2" as issued through City of Marshalltown News Flash.
City Parking Lots F, K, P, and Y
(2013 Code, § 20-184.3.6) (Ord. 15081, passed 1-10-2024)
   (G)   Violation; penalty.
      (1)   Any motor vehicle that may be parked contrary to the provisions of this schedule may, in addition to the remedies set forth in division (G)(2) below, be towed away at the owner’s expense.
      (2)   Any person violating the terms of the sections mentioned in division (G)(1) above shall, upon conviction, be fined $25 if paid within 30 days of the date of the violation. If not paid within 30 days, the fine shall be $35. Violations shall be charged and collected in the same manner as other parking violations, by notice of a fine payable to the City Clerk.
(2013 Code, § 20-184.4)
(Ord. 9161, passed 1-28-1957; Ord. 13641, passed 11-13-1979; Ord. 14488, passed 5-8-1995; Ord. 14556, passed 1-13-1997; Ord. 14832, passed 5-27-2008; Ord. 14869, passed 3-8-2010; Ord. 14910, passed 8-13-2012; Ord. 14926, passed 10-28-2013; Ord. 15012, passed 2-8-2021)