(A) Prohibiting parking when snow removal operations are in progress.
(1) Wherever the word CUL-DE-SAC is used in this schedule, it shall be that portion of a street or public way that is circular in its design and is located at the end or terminal point of a street or public way and shall start where the roadway commences its circular character and shall end when the roadway ceases its circular character.
(2) The stopping, parking or leaving standing of motor vehicles when snow removal operations are in progress by the city on the following designated streets, parts of streets or public ways is hereby prohibited on either side of the street:
Side | On Street | From | To |
Side | On Street | From | To |
All cul-de-sac circles | |||
Both | Denmead Boulevard | W. Main Street | W. State Street |
Both | E. Boone Street | 3rd Avenue | 4th Avenue |
Both | E. North Street | N. Center Street | N. 2nd Avenue |
South | E. and W. State Street | N. 3rd Street | N. 3rd Avenue |
Both | Highland Drive | 5th Street | 6th Street |
Both | Laurel Drive | S. 15th Avenue | East to dead end |
Both | Melody Lane | ||
Both | N. 12th Street | Fremont Street | Summit Street |
Both | N. 5th Avenue | Woodbury Street | Lee Street |
Both | N. 6th Street | Highland Drive | Jerome Street |
Both | N. 8th Street | Summit Street | State Street |
Both | Noble Street | S. 7th Avenue | S. 8th Avenue |
Both | Plaza Heights Road | S. 3rd Avenue | Iowa River Hospice |
Both | S. 16th Street | Church Street | Linn Street |
East | S. 4th Avenue | Church Street | Nevada Street |
Both | S. 6th Street | Main Street | Madison Street |
All | S. 11th Street - Parking lot | Church Street | Boone Street |
Both | Walter's Circle | Edgebrook Drive | Cul-de-sac |
Both | W. Linn Street | 16th Street | A point 861 feet east |
Both | Wood Street | S. 7th Avenue | S. 8th Avenue |
Both | Young Street | ||
(2013 Code, § 20-169)
(B) Towing of vehicles in violation. Any vehicle found to be parked in violation of the provisions of this schedule may, in addition to the penalty provided, be towed from said location by order of the police at the owner’s expense.
(2013 Code, § 20-169.1)
(C) Installation of signs. There shall be erected at all the locations set forth above suitable signs setting forth the no parking provision of this schedule.
(2013 Code, § 20-169.2)
(D) Conflict with overtime alternate parking regulations. The provisions of any overtime alternate parking sections of this schedule or any ordinance are suspended during the period that snow removal operations are in effect, but shall be of full force after snow removal operations are complete.
(2013 Code, § 20-169.3)
(E) Penalty for violation. Anyone violating the provisions of this schedule shall, upon conviction, be punished by a penalty as provided in § 10.999(A) of this code of ordinances. In addition thereto, a violation of this schedule shall be a municipal infraction.
(2013 Code, § 20-169.4)
(Ord. 13677, passed 2-25-1980; Ord. 14970, passed 11-27-2017; Ord. 14974, passed 6-11-2018; Ord. 15011, passed 1-25-2021; Ord. 15075, passed 10-23-2023; Ord. 15077, passed 11-27-2023)