(A)   (1)   Sites with land-disturbing activities shall fall into one of two categories as determined by the City Engineer as set forth herein below.
         (a)   Sites with a disturbed area less than one acre shall not require submittal of a SWPPP. However, the owner of a site is required to plan and implement erosion control measures as described in the brochure Erosion Control for Small Site Development. The City Engineering and Building Departments shall make this brochure available. The City Engineer may require an acceptable SWPPP for sites with a disturbed area less than one acre in cases warranted by site conditions. Such site conditions may include, but are not limited to:
            1.   Site contains slopes of 9% or greater;
            2.   Site is adjacent to a water body or open drainage channel; and
            3.   The site has been identified as having severe erosion or as creating a significant impact on adjacent properties, waterbodies or open drainage channels due to erosion and sediment deposition.
         (b)   Sites with a disturbed area greater than or equal to one acre shall require an acceptable SWPPP meeting the requirements of this chapter, certified by a design professional and approved by the City Engineer.
      (2)   The SWPPP must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of land-disturbing activities.
      (3)   The city’s acceptance of a SWPPP does not constitute approval of Design Standards Manual exceptions unless specifically requested and approved by the City Engineer.
(2013 Code, § 28-166)
   (B)   (1)   Every SWPPP submitted to the city in support of an application for a major erosion control permit:
         (a)   Shall contain complete 24-hour contact information for the site owner and the person in responsible charge of providing and maintaining sedimentation and erosion control for the site. The permittee shall inform the Erosion Control Officer within seven calendar days of any change in this contact information;
         (b)   Shall comply with all current minimum mandatory requirements for SWPPPs promulgated by the state’s DNR in connection with General Permit No. 2, including those published as Summary Guidance for General Permit No. 2 by the state’s DNR. The City Engineer may develop policies modifying these requirements for sites with a disturbed area less than one acre;
         (c)   Shall comply with all other applicable state or federal permit requirements in existence at the time of application;
         (d)   Shall include a drainage plan prepared according to the Design Standards Manual. The drainage plan shall be accompanied by a drainage report prepared according to Ch. 53 of this code of ordinances. This code shall be available in the city’s Engineering Department. The drainage report shall at a minimum demonstrate the design of proposed grading, erosion and sediment control if constructed per plan is not expected to adversely impact adjacent properties;
         (e)   Shall be prepared by a design professional, as defined herein; and
         (f)   Shall include within the SWPPP a signed and dated certification by the person preparing the SWPPP that the SWPPP complies with all requirements of this section.
      (2)   The SWPPP shall be modified by a design professional (as defined herein) as required in General Permit No. 2. Any modification of a SWPPP shall meet the requirements above.
(2013 Code, § 28-167)
   (C)   (1)   The applicant shall submit a SWPPP for the site, meeting the requirements established in the Design Standards Manual, to the City Engineer for review and approval, as follows.
         (a)   The City Engineer shall review the submittal for compliance with the requirements of a SWPPP as set forth in the Design Standards Manual. Following the review, the City Engineer may return comments to the design professional.
         (b)   Following receipt of comments from the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide a revised submittal to the City Engineer in accordance with any requested revisions.
      (2)   The City Engineer or Building Official may require supporting documentation as needed to demonstrate conformance with these requirements. Issuance of an erosion control permit may be delayed pending receipt of the documentation.
      (3)   If the submittal is complete, and meets the requirements as set forth herein, the City Engineer shall approve the plan.
(2013 Code, § 28-168)
(Ord. 14824, passed 2-11-2008)