For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AREA. The legally defined boundaries of the city.
COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNITS/OCCUPANTS. All locations within the city that are not considered residential units/occupants under this chapter. Mobile home parks where single-meter water services are considered COMMERCIAL. All rental units or complexes of four or more residential rental units are considered COMMERCIAL UNITS. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNITS are subject to this chapter.
COMMISSION. The Solid Waste Management Commission of the county.
COMPOSTABLE MATERIAL. All yard wastes, except tree limbs, bark, or branches from trees
or shrubs with any diameter of one-fourth inch or more.
CONTAINERS or BINS. Those containers and bins for collection of garbage or recyclables.
CURBSIDE. The portion of the right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled city roadways contiguous to the frontage of properties in the city. The term CURBSIDE also means at any point further than five feet from the front line of any dwelling, structure, business, or building. See the definition of the term “front” in this section.
CURB SIDE COLLECTION. The collection of all garbage or recyclables placed curbside or in front of the house as near to the street as possible if no curb exists.
FRONT. The operation of a dwelling, business, or other structure facing any street, highway, or other place. A structure may have more than one FRONT if it faces more than one street, highway, or other place; for example, a corner lot. On a structure that has no lines parallel to the street, highway, or other place, the FRONT shall be that portion most nearly parallel to the street, highway, or place and, if the sides are equally parallel to the street, highway or other place, the two sides shall both be the FRONT. Where the front line is uneven, the term FRONT means the most forward portion of the structure.
GARBAGE and REFUSE. Every waste accumulation of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter, liquid
or otherwise, that attends the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storage of meat, fish, fowl, fruit, or vegetables. Dead animals are not included in the term GARBAGE. The term REFUSE means all other miscellaneous waste materials not specifically defined as “garbage” or specifically defined as “recyclable”.
MEMBER. The city.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, association, syndicate, co-partnership, corporation, trust, or other
legal entity having a proprietary interest in premises or other legal entity having responsibility for an act.
RECYCLABLES. Those items defined as recyclables per the Solid Waste Management Commission of Marshall County.
RECYCLABLES HAULER. Any person desiring to pick up and transport for processing any recyclable in the city. Anyone subcontracting to perform any such recycling pick-up or transportation task is also considered a RECYCLABLES HAULER under this definition.
law, which is or is intended to be used to transport recyclables.
RESIDENTIAL UNIT/OCCUPANT. Each single-family home or multifamily dwelling located within the corporate limits of the city and occupied by a person or group of persons, except mobile home parks as described in the definition of “commercial and industrial units” in this section. However, all residential rental structures or residential complexes of four or more rental units are considered commercial units. Any home occupation (Class 1 or Class 2) found in areas zoned RR, RL, RM, and RH, all as defined by Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances, shall be considered a RESIDENTIAL UNIT/OCCUPANT under this chapter for purposes of disposal of garbage and recyclables generated by the home occupation.
SOLID WASTE. Garbage, refuse, rubbish, and other similar discarded solid or semi-solid materials, including, but not limited to, such materials resulting from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and domestic activities.
TREE PROCESSING MATERIAL. Yard wastes which are not compostable material and tree stumps.
VOLUME-BASED GARBAGE SYSTEM. A system with an ever-increasing charge based on the
number of containers utilized or upon the actual weight of garbage generated.
YARD WASTE. Organic debris produced as part of yard and garden development and maintenance, such as grass clippings, leaves, bark, branches, twigs, flowers, fruit, vegetables, and trees.
(2013 Code, § 13-1) (Ord. 10761A, passed 5-24-1965; Ord. 11654, passed 4-22-1970; Ord. 12788, passed 9-22-1975; Ord. 12797, passed 10-16-1975; Ord. 12993, passed 9-27-1976; Ord. 14340, passed 12-27-1990; Ord. 14472, passed 8-25-1994; Ord. 14473, passed 8-8-1994; Ord. 14710, passed 3-24-2003; Ord. 15079, passed 12-22-2023)