(A)   A Tourism Commission is established, pursuant to I.C. 6-9-18-5, as amended.
   (B)   The Tourism Commission will be controlled by a board of seven members known as the Tourism Commission.
   (C)   The members of the Tourism Commission shall be appointed pursuant to the requirements established under I.C. 6-9-18-5, as amended.
   (D)   Initially, the County Commissioners shall appoint five members to the Tourism Commission, and the Mayor of the City of Plymouth shall appoint two members.
   (E)   (1)   The members will be appointed to two-year terms, with three members initially serving a one-year term. The initial term for one of the appointees of the Mayor of the City of Plymouth will expire 12-31-2024, and the term for the second appointee by the Mayor of the City of Plymouth will expire on 12-31-2025.
      (2)   The initial term for two appointees of the County Commissioners will expire 12-31-2024 and the initial term for the remaining appointees of the County Commissioners will expire 12-31-2025.
   (F)   The County Commissioners will receive applications/nominations in December of every year in order to consider Commissioner appointments for a Commission member whose term expires on December 31. Towns in the county may submit applications for prospective Commission members for consideration by the Board of Commissioners for appointment to the Tourism Commission.
   (G)   The Tourism Commission will provide an annual written report to the County Commissioners detailing revenues, expenses, results, and plans. A representative of the Commission shall make a quarterly report to the Commissioners.
(Ord. 2024-3, passed 2-19-2024)