(A)   The county hereby establishes the HAVA Advisory Council.
   (B)   The County HAVA Advisory Council shall consist of the following persons or its designees:
      (1)   The President of the County Executive;
      (2)   The President of the county fiscal body;
      (3)   The County Clerk;
      (4)   All members of the County Election Board; and
      (5)   Two representatives of the disabilities community or elderly voters selected by the County Executive which appointments shall be residents with a variety of backgrounds, partisan affiliations and perspectives.
   (C)   The HAVA Advisory Council shall have a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and a Secretary who will be elected by the HAVA Advisory Council for a term of one year.
   (D)   The HAVA Advisory Council shall meet as required by law and at additional times and places as determined by the Council.
   (E)   Any and all meetings of the HAVA Advisory Council shall be open meetings and shall be posted in accordance with I.C. 5-14-1.5.
   (F)   The HAVA Advisory Council is to provide assistance to the county in doing all things required by the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, being 52 U.S.C. §§ 20901 to 21145, its amendments and the state election laws, including those statutes adopted to implement the requirements of HAVA in the state.
(Council Ord. 2003-12, passed 12-8-2003)