§ 113.02 LICENSE FEES.
   There shall be charged and collected for each license granted under this subchapter the following fees:
Type of License
Type of License
Circus or carnival, per day
$ 25
Concert, theater, entertainment, either under canvas or in a hall
   Per day
$ 5
   Per week
(Provided, however, the owner, lessee, or manager of any theater, hall or other place for the giving of any entertainment, may upon the payment of $25 procure a license which will entitle him to the privilege of giving or permitting others to give in such theater, hall or other place, any and all entertainments sanctioned by the provisions of this subchapter for a period of one year in lieu of all license fees for such entertainment.)
Every other show or exhibition requiring a license
   Per day
$ 5
   Per week
('72 Code § 32.08(b))