All reports, studies, exhibits, test results or other evidence or copies thereof, other than testimony, which the applicant desires to submit for the record shall be submitted by the first day of the public hearing, and any such evidence which the city and any other person desires to submit for the record at the public hearing at least ten days before the last scheduled public hearing. All such evidence shall be filed with the City Clerk, or, if the hearings have commenced, then with the Hearing Officer, labeled as proposed hearing record material, and shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk. In the event that the tenth day prior to the date set for public hearing falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the next working day shall be considered the day that reports, studies, and exhibits must be filed. The Clerk shall date stamp any such reports, studies, exhibits or other evidence upon receipt. In the case of documentary evidence, members of the public shall be allowed to obtain copies of the documents upon payment of the actual cost of reproduction. The Hearing officer may waive such time limit(s) in his discretion, if no undue prejudice of any participant or difficulty in the hearing process or schedule is thereby created.
(Ord. 737, passed 12-7-88)