§ 93.18 CITY REVIEW.
   (A)   The Mayor shall be responsible for coordinating review of the request for site approval by the Departments and consultants to the city, and is authorized to coordinate interdepartmental conferences and set deadlines for the submittal of reports and recommendations. These meetings shall be executive/administrative in nature, and within the exemption from the Illinois Open Meetings Act for Article 4 municipalities.
   (B)   Authorized representatives of the city may attend the public hearings and may ask such questions as needed to assist in reaching their recommendations, and may give testimony.
   (C)   All final reports prepared by city departments and retained consultants summarizing and analyzing the request for site approval, reports, studies, exhibits and other documents to be referred to in testimony by such city departments or consultants concerning the appropriateness of the proposed site, shall be filed with the City Clerk no later than ten working days in advance of the last date set for hearing, or at such other time as may be allowed by the Hearing Officer, provided that there is adequate and fair opportunity for participants to review, respond or otherwise submit responsive evidence or comment thereon. Copies of such reports shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk. Members of the public shall be allowed to obtain copies of the reports upon payment of the actual cost of reproduction.
(Ord. 737, passed 12-7-88)