(A)   All service pipes that may become useless because of laying of larger or other new services, or because water will be no longer used through them, must be permanently closed off at the water main at the expense of the owner of the premises, and so reported to the City Engineer. No plumber, or owner of property shall disconnect or remove water supply fixtures or piping from any premises served by city water, or alter the same in such a way as to make the service connection unnecessary for the premises, without permanently closing off the connections at the water main and reporting the same to the City Engineer or Commissioner of Public property in writing.
   (B)   If a service pipe or connections, which is not being used, is found to be leaking, the Water and Sewer Department may, without notice, repair or turn off the same and charge the expense thereof to the owner of property for which the connection was made.
(Ord. 549, passed 12-22-75)