(A)   In the event the charges for service are not paid within ten days after rendition of the bill for such service, such charges shall be deemed and are hereby declared to be delinquent, and thereafter such delinquencies shall constitute liens upon the real estate of which such service is supplied. The City Collector is hereby authorized and directed to file from time to time as directed by the City Council, sworn, detailed statements showing such delinquencies in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of LaSalle County, and the filing of such statement shall be deemed notice of the lien for payment of the services rendered.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the City Attorney or Corporation Counsel to assist in the collection of sewage bills if requested by the Collector. It shall also be the duty of the City Attorney or Corporate Counsel to prepare all liens and lien notices against persons and owners of property, whose bills are delinquent by the provisions of this chapter (and to have the City Collector signs and swear to same) and file said liens and lien notices in the office of the Recorder of Deed of LaSalle County. The city shall have the power to foreclose such liens in like manner and with like effect as in the foreclosure of mortgages on real estate. The city is authorized from time to time to sue the occupant or users of real estate in a civil action to recover money due for sewage services, plus a reasonable attorney fee to be fixed by the court, provided however, when judgment is obtained in such civil action, the foregoing provisions in the section with respect to filing sworn statements of such delinquencies in the office of the Recorder of Deeds and creating a lien against such real estate for such delinquency and judgment in such civil suit, shall operate as a release and waiver of such lien for said amount.
(Ord. 694, passed 12-30-85)