The city has made the following findings of fact:
(A) The recycling of certain items, including, but not limited to, aluminum cans, tin (steel) cans, newspaper, mixed paper (low to high grade), plastic containers, glass bottles and any Economically Recyclable Waste Products (ERWP), is vital to the conservation of America's natural resources.
(B) The inclusion of ERWP in the garbage and waste generated by the residents of the city, increases the volume of garbage and waste which must ultimately be disposed of in sanitary landfills.
(C) The continued disposal of ERWP generated by residents of the city and surrounding communities will exacerbate the shortage of landfill space.
(D) By eliminating ERWP from the stream of garbage and waste, the capacity of existing landfills to serve the needs of the city for the disposal of nonrecyclable garbage and rubbish will be extended for several years.
(E) In the interim, science may find new technological methods for the safe disposition of household garbage without threatening our air and water supplies.
(F) The city has called upon the private contracting haulers who provide garbage and waste pick-up service in the city to provide such special recycling service upon the condition that all of the licensed private haulers who collect garbage and rubbish in the city shall provide such recycling service.
(G) If all private haulers who collect garbage and waste in the city do not participate in the recycling program, the haulers who do participate in the recycling program will be at a competitive disadvantage and as a result will not be able to provide this vitally needed recycling service.
(H) The private garbage and waste haulers who provide pick up and disposal service in the city have offered to provide such special recycling service upon the condition that all of the private haulers who collect garbage and rubbish in the city provide such recycling service.
(I) Regulations providing for the licensing of recycling services by private hauling contractors serving the city are necessary to institute viable curbside recycling.
City residents need a convenient method to dispose of large recyclable items, and the city can assist with regular periodic pickup of large recyclable items so long as residents comply with designated pickup procedures.
(K) Illinois Compiled Statutes Ch. 65, Act 5, § 11-19-4 authorizes the establishment of recycling programs by municipalities and the collection of a service charge therefore.
(Ord. 787, passed 11-18-92; Am. Ord. 1370, passed 3-4-09