(A)   After two violations of this policy the driver shall be terminated.
   (B)   After each violation(s) of this policy, this government entity will advise the driver of the resources available in evaluating and resolving problems associated with the misuse of drugs and/or alcohol.
   (C)   Prior to being eligible for return-to-duty testing, the driver must be evaluated by a SAP, who shall set up any assistance needed.
   (D)   When the driver has complied with all of the recommendations of the SAP, the driver shall request from the SAP a letter stating whether the driver had a problem, if any, and that the driver has complied or is continuing to comply with the SAP's recommendations, if any. If the SAP did determine that the driver had a problem, the SAP shall also state in the letter the number of follow-up tests that will need to be administered after the driver returns to duty.
   (E)   All costs associated with the evaluation(s) and rehabilitation will be the responsibility of the driver. All costs associated with the return-to-duty testing and follow-up testing will be paid by this government entity.
(Ord. 936, passed 5-20-98)