(A)   In order to respond to various problems that may arise outside of working hours, employees will be required to carry a pager and be on pager duty when assigned by the superintendent. The primary responsibility of pager duty will be the superintendent of the Wastewater Department. In the event of the superintendents absence, the superintendent may assign the pager to an employee of the department.
   (B)   Any employee on pager duty will be notified of a particular problem and will be responsible to notify the appropriate personnel in the department to attempt to correct the problem or problems. Any employee assigned pager duty may trade with another employee as long as the department superintendent may and the dispatcher is notified of the change. Employees not responding to callout or refusal to be on pager duty will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or termination. In consideration of being on pager duty, each employee will receive $10 for each day or part of a day he or she is on pager duty, regardless of whether he or she is paged or not. Any employee called to work outside of his or her regularly scheduled work shift shall be credited with a minimum of two hours worked.
   (C)   An employee who has scheduled/used one or more vacation days in a week may choose not to be placed on pager duty for that week. An employee who chooses not to be on pager duty may still be called to work in case of an extreme emergency.
   (D)   Employees not responding to callout in case of emergency or refusal to be on pager duty will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or termination.
(Ord. 1254, passed 7-19-06)