A.   Designation And Right Of Way Of Funeral Processions:
      1.   All motor vehicles participating in a funeral procession, when proceeding to any place of burial, shall display illuminated headlamps thereon and shall carry on the right hand side of the windshield thereof a printed sign or card on which is imprinted the word "funeral".
      2.   It shall be the duty of the undertaker having charge of a funeral procession to provide a card or sign as described herein.
      3.   All motor vehicles so designated shall have the right of way over all other vehicles, except fire apparatus, ambulances and police vehicles, at any roadway intersection within the city and may proceed through stop street or signalized intersections with proper caution and safety.
   B.   Duties Of Drivers In Funeral Processions: Each driver in a funeral procession shall drive as near to the right hand edge of the roadway as practicable and safe. (Ord. 119, 1-20-1969)



1. See also subsection 11-2-28A of this title.