A.   Applicability: No use that is classified as a temporary use in the zoning district in which it is to be located shall be placed or established on the property without first receiving a temporary use permit, unless exempted from the permit requirements by subsection 10-3-4C of this title.
   B.   Procedure: The common development review procedures of section 10-6-2 of this chapter shall apply, with modifications as noted below.
      1.   Step 1: Pre-Application Conference: Not applicable.
      2.   Step 2: Development Application Submittal: Applicable, with the following modification:
         a.   Filing Deadline: All applications for temporary use permits shall be filed at least four (4) weeks prior to the date the temporary use will commence, or at least six (6) weeks prior to the date the temporary use will commence if public safety support is requested from the City. The City Administrator may waive this filing deadline requirement in an individual case, for good cause shown.
      3.   Step 3: Determination Of Application Completeness: Applicable.
      4.   Step 4: Notice: Not applicable.
      5.   Step 5: Staff Report: Applicable.
      6.   Step 6: Public Hearings: Not applicable.
      7.   Step 7: Decision And Findings: Applicable. The following additional procedures shall apply:
         a.   Action By City Administrator: The City Administrator shall review each application and distribute the application to other reviewers. Based on the results of those reviews, the City Administrator shall take final action on the application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application based on the applicable approval criteria below.
         b.   Duration Of Permit: A temporary use permit shall be valid only for the time period stated on the permit, unless otherwise authorized in this title.
      8.   Step 8: Approval Criteria: Applicable, as follows: The City Administrator shall issue a temporary use permit only upon finding that the proposed temporary use satisfies the requirements set forth in section 10-3-4, "Temporary Uses And Structures", of this title.
      9.   Step 9: Conditions Of Approval: Applicable.
      10.   Step 10: Amendments: Applicable.
      11.   Step 11: Lapse: Applicable, as follows: The temporary use permit shall lapse and be null and void upon expiration of the time limit specified in the permit. (Ord. 420, 12-18-2017)