A.   Purpose: The purpose of the site plan review process is to ensure compliance with the development and design standards and provisions of this title. Prior to any building being constructed in an R-4, R-MHC, C-1, C-2, C-3, I-1, or I-2 District, a site plan shall be submitted that shows a unified and organized arrangement of the building and/or buildings, off-street parking, points of ingress and egress, internal traffic circulation, property lines, building setback distances, freestanding signs, service facilities, utility locations, light poles, solid waste collection facilities, screening fences, curb lines, neighboring curb cuts, and utility poles (if any). The plan must contain information showing compliance with requirements of this section and all other applicable City codes and ordinances.
   B.   Procedure For Site Plan Review: The common development review procedures of section 10-6-2 of this chapter shall apply, with modifications as noted below.
      1.   Step 1: Pre-Application Conference: Applicable.
      2.   Step 2: Development Application Submittal: Applicable.
      3.   Step 3: Determination Of Application Completeness: Applicable.
      4.   Step 4: Notice: Not applicable.
      5.   Step 5: Staff Report: Not applicable.
      6.   Step 6: Public Hearings: Not applicable.
      7.   Step 7: Decision And Findings: Applicable. The following additional procedures shall apply:
         a.   Action By City Administrator: The City Administrator shall review each site plan application and distribute the application to other reviewers. Based on the results of those reviews, the City Administrator shall take final action on the application and approve, approve with conditions, deny or defer decision on the application based on the applicable approval criteria below. The City Administrator's review and decision, including referral to other agencies and bodies, shall be completed within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complete application.
         b.   Referral To Planning Commission: The City Administrator may refer any application to the Planning Commission that in the City Administrator's discretion presents issues that require Planning Commission attention.
         c.   Appeals To The Planning Commission: Appeals of decisions made by the City Administrator under this section shall be made to the Planning Commission upon written request to the Development Services Department within ten (10) days subsequent to the decision of the City Administrator.
         d.   Appeal To The Board Of Adjustment: Appeals of decisions made by the Planning Commission under this section shall be made to the Board of Adjustment.
      8.   Step 8: Approval Criteria: Applicable, as follows: A site plan may be approved upon a finding that the application meets all of the following criteria:
         a.   The site plan is consistent with any previously approved subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval as applicable;
         b.   The site plan complies with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this title, including but not limited to the provisions in chapters 2, "Zoning Districts", 3, "Use Regulations", 4, "Dimensional Standards", and 5, "Development Standards", of this title.
      9.   Step 9: Conditions Of Approval: Applicable.
      10.   Step 10: Amendments: Applicable, with the following modification: The following amendments are offered as examples of amendments to approved site plans that the City Administrator may reasonably determine to be "minor":
         a.   Changes in street alignment if such changes further the intent of the plan and this title.
         b.   Changes in building envelope, setback, and similar provisions of ten percent (10%) or less.
         c.   Changes in landscaping, sign placement, lighting fixtures, etc., to further the intent of the plan and this title.
      11.   Step 11: Lapse: Applicable, as follows:
         a.   The site plan shall be effective for a period of three (3) years from the date of approval, unless stated otherwise in such approval. Building permits shall not be issued based on site plans that have an approval date more than three (3) years old. For multiphased plans, building permits shall not be issued based on an approval date more than three (3) years from the date of Phase I approval.
         b.   The City Administrator may grant a one-time extension, of not more than six (6) months, upon a written request by the applicant, prior to the expiration of the site plan. Failure by the applicant to request a time extension prior to the expiration of the plan shall render the unbuilt portion of the plan null and void. The submittal of a revised site plan and fees shall be required to obtain a building permit for further site improvements. (Ord. 420, 12-18-2017)