A.   General Purposes Of Commercial And Industrial Districts: The commercial and industrial zoning districts contained in this section generally are intended to:
      1.   Provide appropriately located areas consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for retail, service, office, and industrial uses;
      2.   Strengthen the City's economic base and provide employment opportunities close to home for residents of the City and surrounding communities; and
      3.   Minimize any negative impact of nonresidential development on adjacent residential districts.
   B.   Downtown Central Business Commercial District (C-1): The C-1 District establishes and preserves the downtown business area in a manner that generally accommodates a wide range of retail and consumer or personal uses, in a setting conducive to, and safe for, a high volume of pedestrian traffic. Compatible residential uses are allowed in order to promote increased daily activity levels and re-use and development of existing structures. The district is unique in that on-street parking for consumers is allowed and provided and encourages the development and use of off street parking for employee vehicles and delivery vehicles.
   C.   General Commercial District (C-2): The C-2 District is intended to provide for the range of commercial and retail uses oriented towards both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and will accommodate both quick stop and longer visit shopping.
   D.   Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center Commercial District (C-3): The C-3 District is intended for small, compact commercial uses within or surrounded by residential areas, compatible in scale and character with surrounding residential uses, to serve the convenience needs of the immediately surrounding neighborhood.
   E.   Light Industrial District (I-1): The I-1 District is intended to provide for light manufacturing, processing, service, storage, wholesale, and distribution operations with all operations contained within an enclosed building. The intent is to preserve this land for light industrial and service-oriented commercial uses.
   F.   Heavy Industrial District (I-2): The I-2 District is intended to provide for heavy industrial development of a potentially noxious nature, including heavy manufacturing, storage, major freight terminals, waste and salvage, resource extraction, processing, and other related uses. The intent is to preserve this land especially for industry in locations with access to major streets as designated on the Comprehensive Plan map, as well as locations generally accessible to railroad transportation. Because of the objectionable influences that may be created in this district, a buffer or additional setback strip is necessary around this district to protect other zoning districts, except the I-1 Light Industrial District.
   G.   Public Facilities District (P-F): This district is intended to accommodate governmental, public recreational, public utility, public educational, and institutional facilities. (Ord. 420, 12-18-2017)