A. General Penalty: Whenever, in this code or in any ordinance of the city of Marlow, Oklahoma, an act is prohibited, is made or declared to be unlawful, an offense, or misdemeanor, or whenever in this code or any ordinance the doing of an act is required, or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and no specific penalty is provided therefor, the violation of any such ordinance or provision of this code shall be punishable as follows:
The maximum fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine for traffic related offenses relating to speeding or parking shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). The maximum fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine for alcohol related or drug related offenses shall not exceed eight hundred dollars ($800.00) or imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. For all other offenses, the maximum fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine shall not exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. The court shall remit fifty dollars ($50.00) of each alcohol related fine or deferral fee to a fund of the municipality that shall be used to defray costs for enforcement of laws relating to juvenile access to alcohol, other laws relating to alcohol and other intoxicating substances, and traffic related offenses involving alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Additional fees and costs shall be charged pursuant to the provisions of section 1-13-20 of this title. For violations of the city ordinances regulating the pretreatment of wastewater and regulating stormwater discharges the maximum fine shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and costs or imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days or both such fine and imprisonment.
In accordance with 11 Oklahoma Statutes section 14-111, as amended, the city shall not impose a penalty, including fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine and costs, which is greater than that established by statute for the same offense. Each day on which any violation of this code or of any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
B. Specific Penalties; Schedule Of Fines:
1. A schedule of fines is hereby established by the city council. Specific penalties for offenses not listed herein may be set by resolution of the city council. The schedule of fines may be amended from time to time by resolution of the city council, provided that such fines are within the penalty limits provided in subsection A of this section. The schedule of fines created and amended by the city council is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. Copies of the city's full schedule of fines shall be available in the offices of the city clerk and the municipal court clerk.
2. The following schedule of fines shall be in effect except where a specific fine is addressed in another section or set by state law; applicable fees and costs shall be assessed according to section 1-13-20 of this title:
Description Of Offense | Fine Amount |
Description Of Offense | Fine Amount |
Abatement of public health nuisances | $350.00 |
Alcoholic or intoxicating beverages - possession of or to drink in public | 100.00 |
Allowing a passenger to ride outside of vehicle | 10.00 |
Altered license plate | 200.00 |
Animal not to be at large | 105.00 |
Assault and battery | 500.00 |
Attempt to commit offense | 200.00 |
Careless driving | 200.00 |
Carrying concealed weapons | 200.00 |
Certain conduct prohibited on or near school grounds | 200.00 |
Cleaning and mowing of property | 200.00 |
Contribute to the delinquency of a minor | 150.00 |
Creating a disturbance | 100.00 |
Crossing fire hose | 200.00 |
Cruelty to animals | 150.00 |
Damaging or destroying property | 500.00 |
Damaging utility poles | 500.00 |
Discharging firearms; air rifles or BB guns | 500.00 |
Disturbances by animals; public nuisance abatement | 200.00 |
Disturbing the peace; obscene gestures; harassing phone calls | 100.00 |
Drive a vehicle with more than 3 persons in front seat | 200.00 |
Driving off of roadway when overtaking on right | 200.00 |
Driving under suspension | 350.00 |
Driving vehicle on sidewalk | 200.00 |
Eluding a police officer | 200.00 |
Escape of prisoners | 500.00 |
Expired driver's license | 300.00 |
Expired tag | 200.00 |
Explosives | 500.00 |
Fail to comply with order or direction of a police officer | 200.00 |
Fail to display lighted lamps on vehicle when required | 150.00 |
Fail to obey traffic control device | 150.00 |
Fail to pay taxes due state | 200.00 |
Fail to signal intent to turn | 100.00 |
Fail to yield | 100.00 |
Fail to yield to train/fail to obey RR signal/gates | 100.00 |
Failure to comply with compulsory insurance law | 250.00 |
Failure to restrain child | 50.00 |
Failure to wear seat belt | 20.00 |
Failure to yield to emergency vehicle | 100.00 |
False fire alarms | 200.00 |
False or bogus checks | 200.00 |
False representation to municipal officials | 200.00 |
Fireworks discharge of prohibited | 100.00 |
Fireworks sale, possession of prohibited | 200.00 |
Flight from an officer | 200.00 |
Follow too closely | 100.00 |
Following fire apparatus prohibited | 100.00 |
Funerals; traffic violations | 100.00 |
Gambling prohibited | 200.00 |
Harmful deception | 100.00 |
Illegal turn/approach | 200.00 |
Illegal U-turn | 200.00 |
Illicit use of certain chemical compounds | 200.00 |
Immoral conduct, shows, exhibitions; nudity | 200.00 |
Impede normal flow of traffic | 100.00 |
Impersonating municipal officer or employee | 300.00 |
Improper backing | 100.00 |
Improper tag display | 100.00 |
Interference with fire alarm systems | 200.00 |
Keeping animals | 200.00 |
Leaving the scene of an accident | 500.00 |
Left of center | 250.00 |
License requirements for kennels, pet shops | 200.00 |
Littering | 250.00 |
Loading zone violation | 200.00 |
Loitering | 100.00 |
No driver's license in possession | 350.00 |
No insurance verification | 250.00 |
Nonintoxicating beverages - possession of or to drink in public | 100.00 |
Obstruction of driver's view | 200.00 |
Obstructions: sidewalks, streets, alleys, easements, public rights of way | 100.00 |
Offenses relating to controlled dangerous substance | 500.00 |
Operate motor vehicle in manner not reasonable and proper | 200.00 |
Operate vehicle without driver's license | 300.00 |
Operating unauthorized vehicle on roadway | 300.00 |
Parking in posted | 20.00 |
Parking violations | 100.00 |
Passing a stopped school bus | 500.00 |
Passing in a no passing zone | 300.00 |
Permit unauthorized person to drive | 200.00 |
Permit violation for Lake Taylor | 250.00 |
Petit larceny | 250.00 |
Possession of CDS (drugs) | 500.00 |
Possession of drug paraphernalia | 500.00 |
Possession of marijuana | 500.00 |
Prostitution; illicit sexual relations | 500.00 |
Public drunk; state of intoxication | 100.00 |
Pump piracy | 400.00 |
Receiving stolen property | 250.00 |
Reckless driving | 400.00 |
Refusing or failing to assist a policeman | 250.00 |
Removal of barricades | 200.00 |
Removal of unsafe structures | 200.00 |
Removed license plate or affixed unauthorized license plate on a vehicle with the intent to conceal or misrepresent identity of vehicle | 400.00 |
Resisting arrest | 350.00 |
Riding or clinging to vehicles | 25.00 |
Size and weight of vehicles; truck routes | 200.00 |
Soliciting without a city permit | 200.00 |
Speeding 1 - 10 | 100.00 |
Speeding 11 - 15 | 125.00 |
Speeding 16 - 20 | 150.00 |
Speeding 21 - 25 | 175.00 |
Speeding 26 and over | 200.00 |
Speeding in a construction zone | 200.00 |
Speeding in school zone | 200.00 |
Stopping or parking in prohibited places | 200.00 |
TOC; alcoholic or intoxicating beverages | 250.00 |
TOC; nonintoxicating beverages | 200.00 |
Tampering with public utilities | 500.00 |
Texting while driving | 50.00 |
Transporting a loaded firearm | 250.00 |
Traveling on nonspecified truck route | 200.00 |
Trespassing | 200.00 |
Under 21 year old person being at, or within any place of business where nonintoxicating beverages are sold for consumption on the premises | 100.00 |
Under 21 year old person; possession of nonintoxicating beverage | 200.00 |
Under 21 year old person; purchase, receive or procure nonintoxicating beverages | 200.00 |
Unlawful assembly | 250.00 |
Unlawful entry | 250.00 |
Unlawful intrusion upon land | 250.00 |
Unlawful posting of advertising material | 200.00 |
Unlawful throwing or shooting of objects or bows and arrows | 200.00 |
Unsafe lane change | 200.00 |
Vehicles; defective equipment | 200.00 |
Vehicles; equipment, improper exhaust | 200.00 |
Vicious animals | 200.00 |
Violation of restriction on driver's license | 100.00 |
Wrong way on a one-way street | 200.00 |
C. Fines In Lieu Of Appearance: At the discretion of the judge of the municipal court, persons who are cited for a violation of this code or an ordinance of the city may elect to pay a fine in lieu of appearance before the municipal court according to the schedule of fines set by the city council. Payment of said fine in lieu of appearance shall be made in the traffic violations bureau and such payment shall constitute a final determination of the cause against the defendant.
D. Judicial Relief: No penalty imposed by, and pursuant to, this code shall interfere with the right of the city also to apply to the proper courts of the state of Oklahoma for a mandamus, an injunction or other appropriate action against such person, firm or corporation. (Ord. 417, 1-24-2017)